Lost in the Movies: THE ARCHIVE Chapter 28: Living in the Return (May - December 2017)

THE ARCHIVE Chapter 28: Living in the Return (May - December 2017)

For half a year my site was entirely devoted to Twin Peaks; no other subject stole the spotlight between a quick status update in the spring and a podcast on, well, another David Lynch film in the fall. Podcasts, by the way, became quite a staple during this time - I appeared on seven different programs (including good old stalwarts Obnoxious & Anonymous and Twin Peaks Unwrapped) and was also invited to publish Peaks pieces on three different sites. Along with the most active comments sections I've ever hosted and, of course, the weekly night-of viewing diary in which I recorded my immediate reactions as Showtime aired eighteen new episodes, all of this made for a very satisfying outcome after years of waiting for this moment.

Subjects include the whirlwind ride of Part 8, celebrating Fire Walk With Me's entry into the Criterion Collection, Lost Highway in the midst of the #MeToo moment, studying the connections between Mark Frost's Secret History and the third season, and an unexpected group interview with Peaks producer Sabrina Sutherland on the eve of the new finale.

Although it's tempting to choose something from my Return viewing diary (I'll cheat by pointing to my piece on the two-part finale), my highlight for this period is actually TV Countdown - Twin Peaks, in which I return to the old stomping ground of Wonders in the Dark for my extensive, first-ever study of all three seasons of Twin Peaks.


TWIN PEAKS & David Lynch reading / viewing / listening on Lost in the Movies
Listing my top twenty-five pieces on the series (and its co-creator) before the third season

Anticipation of Another Place: Speculating about Twin Peaks: The Return w/ Obnoxious & Anonymous
Podcast musings with the new Twin Peaks just days away

Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 1 & 2 - "My log has a message for you."/"The stars turn and a time presents itself."
A few hours after the premiere of the 2017 season of Twin Peaks, I offer first impressions

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 3 - "Call for help."
I was drawn to the surreal fairy-tale texture of Part 3's opening passage

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 4 - "...brings back some memories."
Getting used to Dougie as I stream the fourth episode (made available that first night with Parts 1-3)

Son of Man on Wonders in the Dark + Learn About Lost in the Movies
As Twin Peaks continues to take over, a status update (including my introduction of a mobile template and an "About" page) offers my last non-Lynch content for over 7 months


Twin Peaks & the World w/ Discourse Collective: Lynch, Politics & Prestige TV
Analyzing early Twin Peaks from a sociopolitical perspective as a guest on a left-wing podcast

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 5 - "Case files."
Underrated episode plunges into the ambiguous, yearning world of the titular small town as Peaks becomes a weekly show once again

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 6 - "Don't die."
Diane's cameo and a hit and run accident characterize this episode a third of the way into the season

"I have no idea where this will lead us": talking Twin Peaks: The Return Pt. 1-6 w/ Obnoxious & Anonymous
Recording a follow-up podcast, what did we think about the likelihood of Cooper "snapping back" soon, how Laura and Audrey would enter the story, and who Richard and Linda were in June 2017, with Parts 7-18 still ahead?

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 7 - "There's a body all right."
A plot-focused episode with a hint or two of what's in store for the following week

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 8 - "Gotta light?"
...and then there was this hour, perhaps the most astonishing in TV history


Twin Peaks Interlude: discussing Part 1-8 w/ Twin Peaks Unwrapped
During the two-week break I chatted with this podcast about what we'd just seen and what might be upcoming

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 9 - "This is the chair."
A quiet return to The Return after the mind-blowing previous entry

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 10 - "Laura is the one."
Who's that knocking at Gordon Cole's door?

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 11 - "There's fire where you are going."
One of the strongest episodes of the season's latter half, with a nonstop intensity for twenty-five minutes followed by a sustained comic Dougie-Coop story

Viva Twin Peaks! (discussing Twin Peaks: The Return Pt. 11 w/ The Lodgers podcast)
Searching for The Zone as a guest on a new podcast with a cinephiliac bent

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 12 - "Let's rock."
An episode that begins by demystifying soon becomes one of the most mystifying of all (welcome back, Audrey)


Twin Peaks: The Return Part 13 - "What story is that, Charlie?"
Living lives of quiet desperation in Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 14 - "We are like the dreamer."
As the finale emerges on the horizon, the season doubles down on mysticism and dreaminess

Into the Woods (discussing Twin Peaks: The Return Pt. 14 w/ Twin Peaks Peeks podcast)
Joining with a podcast that had been going for a few years, to discuss Monica Bellucci, Andy's trip & more

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 15 - "There's some fear in letting go."
A film and a fork mark a turning point for our hero

Twin Peaks: The Return Part 16 - "No knock, no doorbell."
Cooper's and Diane's stories provide a telling contrast in this episode


Time and Time Again: discussing Part 16 and anticipating the finale w/ Twin Peaks Unwrapped
As the finale approaches, one more conversation with the Unwrapped hosts...

There's Always Music in the Air: anticipating tonight's Twin Peaks: The Return w/ Obnoxious & Anonymous
...and one more conversation with a big group on YouTube (which continues for hours after my visit), including a guest appearance by season 3 producer Sabrina Sutherland to answer (and not answer) some questions

Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 17 & 18 - "The past dictates the future."/"What is your name?"
The third season of Twin Peaks concludes with a two-part enigma

What's next: TWIN PEAKS & more
Making plans as I digest the new Twin Peaks in the days and weeks after its finale

The World of Twin Peaks - discussing the third season w/ the Beyond the Filter podcast
A lengthy, in-depth discussion of Twin Peaks, my first to release after the season's conclusion

Dr. Amp's America: discussing Twin Peaks: The Return w/ Discourse Collective
Following up with the Discourse Collective podcast (this time joined by Chapo Trap House's Will Menaker) to cover Twin Peaks now that we've seen the new episodes

TV Countdown - Twin Peaks
My first chance to comprehensively explore all three seasons of Twin Peaks together, since the series placed #2 in the Wonders in the Dark television countdown


3 years of Journey Through Twin Peaks (& how it began, pt. 1 of 3)
Remembering what led me to create the Journey videos (from getting back into the show to finishing Part 1)

Early thoughts on Twin Peaks season 3: a conversation w/ Lindsay Stamhuis on 25 Years Later
Joining another commentator on a popular Peaks site for reflections on the whole season but particularly the finale

"5 Weeks of Fire Walk With Me" begins next week
A series of posts to celebrate Fire Walk With Me's inclusion in the Criterion Collection (although three would be delayed until the following year)

Lost in Twin Peaks #8: discussing Fire Walk With Me & the end of season 3 w/ Twin Peaks Unwrapped
Focusing on the film in my first appearance on this podcast since The Return's end


Fire Walk With Me belongs in the Criterion Collection
Honoring Fire Walk With Me as a standalone film, worthy of inclusion beside the other iconic classics of Criterion

Fear The Double: discussing Lost Highway w/ Fireside Friends podcast (+ "5 Weeks of Fire Walk With Me" status update)
Talking about Lynch's first L.A. film in light of #MeToo, O.J. Simpson, Meshes of the Afternoon, Mary Sweeney, The Return, Fire Walk With Me, and more

Last Words? - discussing The Final Dossier w/ Twin Peaks Unwrapped (+ another status update)
Mark Frost publishes another book, one last new piece of Peaks to talk about with this podcast


Announcement: new Journey Through Twin Peaks coming mid-2018 (video)
Teasing an eventual sequel to my Twin Peaks video series

Secret Histories Return to Twin Peaks: Mark Frost and the Spatiotemporal Expansion of Season 3
I was commissioned by Offscreen to write about the relationship of Frost's Secret History and Twin Peaks' new season

(I covered this period on Episode 26 of my Patreon podcast)

Next: Packing the Podcast (January - March 2018)
(in which the Patreon podcast launches with multiple films in focus per episode)

Previous: Characters Everywhere (January - May 2017)

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