Lost in the Movies: Happy new year (best of blogsophere goes up next week)

Happy new year (best of blogsophere goes up next week)

Thanks to everyone for the enthusiastic response (see last post). Keep 'em coming, too - especially since I've pushed back the round-up post until after the weekend. I simply haven't had any time to work on it yet. All of you have made this a great year for my online endeavors - despite their infrequency. Happy New Year & see you next week...

This post was originally published on The Sun's Not Yellow.


Stephen said...

A Happy New Year to you MovieMan and to everyone who passes through these here parts.

I've begun reading people's suggestions and there really is some great work to be found.

I look forward to the official reveal.

Just Another Film Buff said...

Happy New Year to you too Movie Man, and love that poster...

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