Lost in the Movies: (farewell announcement)

(farewell announcement)

update: as of September 2011, I have returned to blogging. The announcement for my return is here. The rest of this post remains as written, as a sort of historical marker.

This will be my second to last entry on this blog. On Wednesday my last post, prepared ahead of time, will go up. It's an appropriate finale because it represents a moment of triumph. I'm very proud of the work I put in here and regretful of abandoning projects, some of which I was already well underway on.

However, there comes a time when you have to make a choice. Right now I am sharpening the blade and trying to focus all my energy in one direction. That entails difficult decisions, and I have to stop dipping one toe in this particular pool: you can't do things halfway, and when you pick your priorities you can't hedge your bets.

Though it was far from my favorite feature, I'm most disappointed about not continuing the "Remembering the Movies" series - I think because once you stop that, you can't resume it. The whole point is its prompt and regular appearance every week, so once I stop there's a gap in the program which can never be plugged up again. There's a finality to cancelling it which brings home the reality of not blogging anymore in a particularly bitter way.

On the flip side, I've always seen this site not as something ephemeral or day-to-day but as a growing and permanent archive of my work. None of that will change. I will still store all my writing here and have the same features to draw your attention to past work (which, I suppose, all my work will be at this point).

Some years from now I may return to the idea of doing a canonical series, a notion that tempted me throughout my entire blogging career; but that will be a very different adventure, entailing far more commitment and to be undertaken with a different mindframe. Hopefully, if I follow through with it, I'll see some of you there. In the meantime, friends, goodnight and good luck. And thanks for coming along on the ride.


Tony Dayoub said...

Sorry to hear about it Joel, but good fortune in your future endeavors. I hope you continue to stop by at Cinema Viewfinder from time to time.

Joel Bocko said...

Thanks, Tony, I will. Keep up the good work.

Ed Howard said...

You'll be missed, Joel, but good luck with your other projects!

Dusty said...

Let me get on the bandwagon and wish you good luck. I've been a regular reader (if not commenter) for a while now. The Dancing Image is one of the most ambitious and consistent blogs I've seen. Sorry to see it go. But totally understandable if your focus needs to be elsewhere.

Good luck! Come back to the blogosphere soon.

Stephen said...


Good luck with whatever you choose to do. I've always enjoyed what you've written here as well as our discussions at my own blog or at Wonders in the Dark.

Your piece on Twin Peaks:Fire Walk With Me was the first I ever commented on and the fact that you didn't ignore it (as many do) and were courteous (by no means the norm) encouraged me to keep putting what I was writing on the internet.


Lights in the Dusk said...

I tend to give up blogging once a month and then suddenly feel the urge to post something new. These days I just keep it as a background thing; something to return to when I need it or when I need a break from other things. Of course, your blog was always a much bigger thing; a real forum that had something to say about cinema beyond mere note making; an in-depth, on-going analysis with many interesting/individual lines of thought, well worth archiving.

Hopefully you may return to the blog someday, but for now well wishes for any and all future endeavours.

Erich Kuersten said...

Noooo way!! MM not only have you been a fine blogger, generous in comments and support. I hope you'll still read my blog and comment often, and even rant as the mood doth suit. All the best in your endeavors.

Jeff Pike said...

Sorry to hear this but I know you've been thinking about taking a new step for awhile. Good luck in your pursuits. Thanks for all your generous links and comments. Come on back whenever you like.

Joel Bocko said...

Thanks to all of you - I've read each of your comments and if I don't respond to them individually it's only because I don't want to get drawn back into the whirlpool! But I'm flattered that you enjoyed the site, and am glad I got the opportunity to enjoy all of your work as well - you're all among my favorite bloggers, so thanks!

Unknown said...

I would like to join the others in wishing you good luck and echo the sentiments that you will be missed. I may not reply to every post but i read 'em all and like Stephen, it was your piece on TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME that hooked me. Such a wonderful, insightful piece.

Joel Bocko said...

J.D. that was one of my first strong pieces, and I'm glad it caught people's attention. In a couple weeks, I will be placing "Top Posts" as, well, the top post on the main page of the blog so that readers can navigate themselves to my best work now that there won't be new posts popping up every now and then. Till then, Rocky will take the top spot. Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear this Joel but I know more than most the call of pressing engagements so I totally understand your reasoning.

I've always been a fan of your work, right from the beginning of The Dancing Image and I wish you the very best with everything you take on in the future.

Hopefully we'll see you again, it's hard to stay away (trust me on that one), but for now take care and I'll keep a look out for whenever you raise your head.

All the best, Ric

Joel Bocko said...

I may not have a computer this summer, so that should help me avoid blogging, haha! Thanks again for the kind words.

Sam Juliano said...

As the recipient of so much blogging excellence over the past two years, I am deeply saddened (and beyond) by this decision. Knowing however that you'll be embarking on more fruitful projects, and that we will keep in touch, well that's all I could ever ask for.

You've been one of the brightest lights on the movie scene, and your shoes will be impossible to fill.

Good luck my great friend!

Joel Bocko said...

Thanks, Sam. It goes without saying that you've been a huge part of my blogging experience. It was fun!

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