Lost in the Movies: What's your best post this year?

What's your best post this year?

...Or your personal favorite, or your most popular, or your most original, or the one that covers the film you'd most like to highlight? For the fourth year, I'm going to do a blogosphere round-up, so I'm inviting readers' submissions for their own strongest work.

The piece could be a personal essay, a picture post, a video tribute, a clever conceit, or a straight-up movie review. It could embrace all of cinema, zero in on one movie, or have nothing to do with film at all. It's up to you.

You can submit a comment below (I will delete after reading and recording the choice) or email me at movieman0283 at gmail.

This year I have to be stricter with (my own) deadline as last year I let the project go until February when, no doubt, some of you weren't even aware that it went up! This year the deadline for submissions will be December 15 and I will crack the whip on myself to ensure that the post itself goes up between then and New Years Day.

If you want to take a look at past years, here are the round-ups from 2008 - 2010.

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