Lost in the Movies: #WatchlistScreenCaps (80s short films edition), 3/26 - 3/28

#WatchlistScreenCaps (80s short films edition), 3/26 - 3/28

Here are the last ten films I watched, with a screen-captured image and quick sentence on the subject. Follow this feature on Twitter here, read about the kickoff here, and view the previous #WatchlistScreenCaps roundup here.

As it happens, all ten films this time are shorts from the 1980s. If you click on each title, you can watch it online. Oh, and though the '82 and '83 polls have passed, if you like A Girl's Own Story, you can vote for it on Wonders in the Dark.

 All Summer in a Day (1982), dir. Ed Kaplan
viewed March 26, 2013
"Remembering the green amongst the gray."

Thriller (1983), dir. John Landis
viewed March 26, 2013
"This film in no way endorses a belief in the occult."

You Might Think (1984), dir. Charlie Levi, Jeff Stein, Alex Weil
viewed March 26, 2013
"Soap opera."

 The Children's Story (1982), dir. James Clavell
viewed March 27, 2013
"Anti-brainwashing message movie that feels oddly like it's trying to brainwash you."

Dimensions of Dialogue (1982), dir. Jan Svankmajer
viewed March 27, 2013
"Rock, paper, scissors, Arcimboldo-style."

An Exercise in Discipline: Peel (1982), dir. Jane Campion
viewed March 28, 2013
"Abrasive yet meditative study of the usual family road-trip misery."

A Girl's Own Story (1984), dir. Jane Campion
viewed March 28, 2013
"I feel the cold/I feel the cold is here to stay/I feel the cold/I want to melt away."

The Snowman (1982), dir. Dianne Jackson, Jimmy T. Murakami
viewed March 28, 2013
"Swimming sublimely in the snowy sky."

Malice in Wonderland (1982), dir. Vince Collins
viewed March 28, 2013
"Alice in Wonderland on acid. I know what you're thinking: it's already on acid. Well, moreso."

Skywhales (1983), dir. Phil Austin, Derek Hayes
viewed March 28, 2013
"The circle of life devours itself."

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Sam Juliano said...

Terrific cinematic hodgepodge Joel!

Some greats for sure. THE SNOWMAN, with it's sense of mystery and deep melancholy, is an all-time favorite for me, and I actually use it every year in a fourth grade class. The haunting score and centerpiece song of course, have given it a popular resonance for many.
I must give you all the credit for recently turning me on to the shattering A GIRL'S OWN STORY, though considering Campion's universal regard I am not surprised that this early short can be seen as a foundation piece. THRILLER is classic stuff, and thanks to you I also just discovered SKYWHALES. ALL SUMMER IN THE DAY and A CHILDREN'S STORY are exceptional. Short films are way too often underestimated, a fact you have exposed here and at WitD!

Joel Bocko said...

Yes - and the 80s was a surprisingly rich period for them. While much of The Snowman is cute and well-animated, it's definitely the centerpiece song/flight that put it into another realm entirely. I accidentally missed the deadline for '82, but I am still planning to cast a (meaningless) vote for the best short of that year when I finish watching all the shorts I nominated. Right now, the very different Snowman and Malice are in the lead.

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