Here are the last ten films I watched, with a screen-captured image and quick sentence on the subject. Follow this feature on Twitter here, read about the kickoff here, and view the previous #WatchlistScreenCaps roundup here. Links below are to my post on the film in question.
Today's Top Post/Anniversary Archive entry went up this morning: A Century of Wonders, a visual archive for Allan Fish's decade countdowns.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), dir. Steven Spielberg
viewed May 14, 2013
"I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne: 'Let my armies be the rocks, and the trees, and the birds in the sky.'"
King Arthur - The Search for the Holy Grail (2000), dir. Jens-Peter Behrend
viewed May 17, 2013
The hidden chamber which Parsifal sought in his quest?
The Lion King (1994), prod. Don Hahn
viewed May 20, 2013
Gorgeously animated, thematically compelling, and oddly monarchist
Symphony in Black (1935), dir. Fred Waller
viewed May 20, 2013
Billie belts the blues
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1974), dir. Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones
viewed May 20, 2013
When the weather is misbehaving
The Sword in the Stone (1963), prod. Walt Disney
viewed May 21, 2013
Unusual Disney feature, one of its most laid-back and episodic (no commercials, though)
Lancelot du Lac (1974), dir. Robert Bresson
viewed May 21, 2013
Into the Bressonian wood: a ghoulish, spiritually beleaguered Camelot
Excalibur (1981), dir. John Boorman
viewed May 21, 2013
A land of silver castles and golden dragons
The Secret of the Holy Grail (2005), dir. Susanne Aernecke
finished May 23, 2013
Low-key, low-fi Grail doc with terrible Netflix reviews, but I quite enjoyed it
The Fisher King (1991), dir. Terry Gilliam
viewed May 24, 2013
The quest for the Holy Gift Exchange
and then there was this, tweeted before I realized it was part of a larger documentary which I hadn't seen, and thus ineligible for inclusion according to my arcane rules:

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...or else:
King Arthur - The Search for the Holy Grail (2000), dir. Jens-Peter Behrend
viewed May 17, 2013
The hidden chamber which Parsifal sought in his quest?
The Lion King (1994), prod. Don Hahn
viewed May 20, 2013
Gorgeously animated, thematically compelling, and oddly monarchist
Symphony in Black (1935), dir. Fred Waller
viewed May 20, 2013
Billie belts the blues
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1974), dir. Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones
viewed May 20, 2013
When the weather is misbehaving
The Sword in the Stone (1963), prod. Walt Disney
viewed May 21, 2013
Unusual Disney feature, one of its most laid-back and episodic (no commercials, though)
viewed May 21, 2013
Into the Bressonian wood: a ghoulish, spiritually beleaguered Camelot
Excalibur (1981), dir. John Boorman
viewed May 21, 2013
A land of silver castles and golden dragons
The Secret of the Holy Grail (2005), dir. Susanne Aernecke
finished May 23, 2013
Low-key, low-fi Grail doc with terrible Netflix reviews, but I quite enjoyed it
The Fisher King (1991), dir. Terry Gilliam
viewed May 24, 2013
The quest for the Holy Gift Exchange
and then there was this, tweeted before I realized it was part of a larger documentary which I hadn't seen, and thus ineligible for inclusion according to my arcane rules:

Follow me on Twitter
...or else:
I can't help but find a real Arthur-driven theme in many of your recent watchlists.
Have you always had this interest or is this something that just sparked?
Recent, but it's the interest in the Grail that's driving the interest in Arthur. So fascinating to see the many ways the legends have been interpreted.
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