Lost in the Movies: The more things change...: A collage/catalog of Forrest Gump

The more things change...: A collage/catalog of Forrest Gump

I've always been obsessed with cataloging experiences, creating variations on a theme, and juxtaposing change and consistency against one another (as well as viewing characters changing against historical backdrops, and maturing from one age to another). As such, I can't help being endlessly fascinated by Forrest Gump. It is chock-full of repetitions, variations, catalogs: sometimes droll, sometimes somber, sometimes sentimental. Below I've included nine image-compilations as examples; if you want to see larger versions of these pictures, click on the image.

A clip from Forrest Gump appears at 5:06 in "Pulp and Popcorn", Chapter 28 of my video clip series.

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