Lost in the Movies: Side by Side video: The Asphalt Jungle & The Killing

Side by Side video: The Asphalt Jungle & The Killing

update 2/21: It's finally up!

I announced this video nearly a month ago but got distracted from it repeatedly. Then this weekend I finally dove in - and almost lost everything when my nearly-completed project wouldn't open Friday night. Thanks to the generous help of Nuno Baltazar, I was able to get it up and running again and so here today - finally - is my video comparison of these two classic films. The Vimeo upload and original intro (including a link to the essay that inspired the video) follows the jump. My previous entries in the Side by Side series were Twin Peaks & Neon Genesis Evangelion and Dial M For Murder & Rear Window. I've also made a YouTube playlist featuring all three videos.

original intro:

Sterling Hayden and his troubles with horses will be explored later this week, when I upload my third entry in the "Side by Side" video series, covering The Asphalt Jungle and The Killing, two Hayden heist films from the fifties with subtly different styles and dramatically different sensibilities. Watch this space - I'll update with the YouTube and Vimeo videos as soon as they are available.

Meanwhile, check out the previous Side by Side videos & read my 2010 comparison piece upon which the video will be based.

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