Lost in the Movies: Slowing down - status update

Slowing down - status update

For a few months at least, my online work will slow down considerably.

Rover's got me. In all seriousness, the time has come to set new priorities and admit that my current behind-the-scenes blogging pace is sabotaging my larger aims more than it's helping them. While I will still be posting several times a month - primarily videos and at least a few more Prisoner pieces, including several chats - I have to pause my usual schedule for the rest of the spring and into the summer, if not longer.

For a year now, I have been posting at least twice a week (three times, if not more, since August). Especially when many of these posts had been written ahead of time I found the pace manageable, if just barely, but lately I've realized that I bit off more than I can chew. Because the video work was not created ahead of time, it didn't matter that my Evangelion and Favorites pieces were, and eventually I caught up with those too. I had almost fulfilled my maxim of "have it done all ahead of time" but "almost" isn't good enough and that percentage that wasn't complete ended up bringing everything else down.

So here's the plan for the next few months.

FANDOR KEYFRAME - This is where my pace will hopefully remain consistent and where my focus will be sharpest in the immediate future. I have one particular series of videos I'm working on right now which will be my most extensive, in-depth work since Journey Through Twin Peaks and I'm looking forward to sharing it. I also hope to start writing essays about video essays in the coming months.

YOUTUBE/VIMEO CHANNEL VIDEOS - These will take a backseat to the Fandor videos, as they already more or less have. But I'm not abandoning them and still plan to pick up where I left off (with a Side by Side analysis of The Big Chill and The Return of the Secaucus 7) sometime in May. I will probably share a video on YouTube next week announcing and clarifying my pace/approach from now on. And you can also check out my recently-composed video archive.

WEDNESDAY TV VIEWING DIARIES - The various codas to my Prisoner viewing diary - at least three more chats (one of which has already been completed, but not edited), overviews of the show's context, probably a review of the remake miniseries - will continue to appear but not every Wednesday, as before. Instead they will go up when they're ready and your best bet is to bookmark and check up on the Prisoner directory, or just keep tabs on this blog's front page or my Twitter feed, to see what's available. Once The Prisoner series officially concludes, there will be a very long pause as I watch and record my reactions to various TV shows. This feature will probably take the longest of any to return but when it does I will have weekly viewing diaries spanning years into the future for some of the most interesting and acclaimed series of recent history, as well as a few classics.

TWIN PEAKS - I will not be posting every month on this subject anymore. However, I expect that by the end of the year if not much sooner, Showtime will be re-airing the original series before the new one premieres and at that point I will unveil my new, extended, extremely in-depth episode guide in tandem with the airing of each episode. And of course when the new Twin Peaks begins, I will be right there chronicling it. So expect a temporary dip in Twin Peaks activity, followed by a huge increase. Meanwhile, here's my fully updated directory of my Twin Peaks work.

FRIDAY FAVORITES - The Favorites series will be temporarily suspended, resuming with Annie Hall only after I've written all fifty-eight of the remaining entries (which was the original plan before I got impatient to resume).

Keep watching this space, as it will be active, just less so. And when the fast pace does return, it will return with a vengeance, this time with enough of a backlog to sustain it.


Unknown said...

"essays about video essays"
Yey, thats inteesting!

Joel Bocko said...

I'm looking forward to getting to them (eventually). Been reading/watching a lot of interesting stuff in preparation.

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