Lost in the Movies: Patreon update #11: David Lynch's Cinema - Connecting Eraserhead & Inland Empire, bonus: Blue Velvet (+ Diane Evans in Twin Peaks, Everything Sucks!, Frontline on Iran & Saudi Arabia, The Wind in the Willows & more)

Patreon update #11: David Lynch's Cinema - Connecting Eraserhead & Inland Empire, bonus: Blue Velvet (+ Diane Evans in Twin Peaks, Everything Sucks!, Frontline on Iran & Saudi Arabia, The Wind in the Willows & more)

Afternoon update: I have added an important announcement about a change in the Films in Focus second/third tier rewards.

With over an hour of content devoted purely to the work of David Lynch (out of a nearly two-hour episode - so much for last week's high-water mark!), I am taking a look at what his first and last films share...and how they differ. Eraserhead and Inland Empire are among the already subversive auteur's most radical works, yet they're radical in divergent and revealing ways. By parsing ten connections between the two films, both can be perceived in a sharper light (the "ten connections" section is preceded by slightly shorter-than-usual coverage of each film individually). And as a bonus, I'm also reviewing what many still consider the Lynch masterpiece, Blue Velvet.

After several diverse picks, we have the most cohesive Films in Focus selections since the Christopher Nolan double-header in January. Perhaps even more cohesive than that - all three films are from the same patron, January/February/March picks all in one go (they've been on board since January, but I only contacted them to find out their selections a few weeks ago). Besides, these films are already going to be linked to other parts of the episode since I discuss David Lynch's work regularly in every week during "Twin Peaks Reflections."

And this week I've got in an in-depth "Reflection" suitable not just for the Lynch focus, but also the coverage of two Laura Dern films. That's right, I'll be digging into some of the reasons I find Diane Evans such a compelling character; I almost saved this discussion for a later episode, since the rest of this one was already so lengthy but it seemed the right time and place to share these thoughts. I think Diane is not only the most interesting character of The Return but perhaps in some ways its soul (or at least, its guilty conscience).

Elsewhere in episode 11, I take a break from my Twitter-topics review last week (it will resume next week) to discuss some of what I've been watching: the end of the Winter Olympics, a tribute to Lesli Linka Glatter, the new Netflix 90s nostalgia show Everything Sucks!, and a Frontline special on war in the Middle East. My Opening the Archive segment is longer than usual, surveying one of the most fruitful periods on Lost in the Movies, and offering an extended highlight of one of my more ambitious online series, on Kenneth Grahame's classic Wind in the Willows.

Oh, and here's Lynch and his "boys" to kick us off:

Line-up for Episode 11


WEEKLY UPDATE/recent posts: updated Twin Peaks picture gallery

WEEKLY UPDATE/works in progress: Character series postponed, Voyage into the Movies podcast cancelled, looking for a Cinepoem, Mad Men viewing diary

FILM IN FOCUS: Eraserhead

FILM IN FOCUS: Inland Empire

10 Connections between Eraserhead/Inland Empire

FILM IN FOCUS: Blue Velvet


OTHER TOPICS: Winter Olympics ending, possible Olympic film series, Everything Sucks!, Lesli Linka Glatter on PBS NewsHour, ex-CIA agent discussing Chinese President Xi Jinping on PBS News Hour, Frontline episode on Iran & Saudi Arabia in Syria & Yemen

OPENING THE ARCHIVE: "Golden Age" (September 2010 - January 2011), this week's highlight (The Wind in the Willows series)


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