Lost in the Movies: Patreon update #34: Twin Peaks season 3 rewatch - Part 15 (+ Let Me In, Spielberg biography, the era of the mix CD & more)

Patreon update #34: Twin Peaks season 3 rewatch - Part 15 (+ Let Me In, Spielberg biography, the era of the mix CD & more)

The Return rewatch is approaching its conclusion with Part 15, in which Mr. C enters the strange convenience store/motel space to ask the Jeffries kettle about Judy; Dougie-Cooper watches Sunset Boulevard and decides to electrocute himself; Jacoby, Nadine, and Otis Redding finally bring Norma and Ed together after a half-century of quiet frustration; and we all bid a poignant farewell to the Log Lady. Elsewhere, this podcast episode features some spillover from last week's epic entry (my longest yet); I recorded the "other topics" section as part of a longer section for Episode 33, but it was too long so I moved it here (there's still more to come next week). This includes some musings on the short window of the "mix CD" phenomenon in the late nineties and early zeroes (as well as my own first comical attempt to make a mix), brief reflections on a TV episode I watched (Colony) and a book I've been reading (Steven Spielberg: A Life in Film by Molly Haskell), and my ambivalent reaction to some recent elections and the media response. "Opening the Archive," meanwhile, concludes the vampire-film essay I began reading last week. There's no listener feedback or film in focus this week, and I also had virtually no updates, so this is a much shorter podcast than last time. Incidentally, however, I do plan on posting quite a bit on this site in the next few days, as I revive some Twin Peaks content that I published on other sites a few years ago...so stay tuned for that.

Line-up for Episode 34

INTRO (including brief mention of the archive pages as works in progress)

The feel & structure of the episode
Twin Peaks - Cooper investigation/Jacoby + Ed & Norma + RR Franchise/Richard's parents/Steven & Gersten + Becky/James + Freddie + Roadhouse/Audrey's world/standalone scenes
Mr. C
Las Vegas - Dougie at home/The search for Dougie/Assassination
Spirit World - Convenience store & motel
Character introductions & re-introductions/screentime rankings/timeline of events
Coffee, pie, and donuts
Lodge lore
Laura Palmer

OTHER TOPICS: Colony, the era of mix CD, Molly Haskell's biography of Steven Spielberg, left-wing candidates - centrist analysis & available electorate

OPENING THE ARCHIVE: Let the Right One In (2 of 2) - Let Me In, the U.S. remake


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