Lost in the Movies: belated October 2022 Patreon round-up • LOST IN THE MOVIES patron podcast #96: Halloween Special / Continuing the 90s... Bram Stoker's Dracula (+ archive readings of Dracula, Frankenstein & The Wolf Man, feedback/media/work updates including Cooper's identity, the Professional Managerial Class & more) + 3 TWIN PEAKS Character Series advances & Twin Peaks Conversations podcast

belated October 2022 Patreon round-up • LOST IN THE MOVIES patron podcast #96: Halloween Special / Continuing the 90s... Bram Stoker's Dracula (+ archive readings of Dracula, Frankenstein & The Wolf Man, feedback/media/work updates including Cooper's identity, the Professional Managerial Class & more) + 3 TWIN PEAKS Character Series advances & Twin Peaks Conversations podcast

My "September" patron podcast (which only wrapped up hours before the end of October) was so sprawling that I wanted to take a simpler approach for the next one. October's $1/month reward - which made it up on Halloween despite this much-delayed cross-post - focuses on a single film while continuing the nineties theme from the previous month. I saw Bram Stoker's Dracula during a theatrical re-release for its thirtieth anniversary, and I was frankly blown away re-visiting it on the big screen many years after watching it on DVD. Proudly over-the-top in borderline campy fashion but also (pun intended) wearing its heart on its sleeve, the film is an overwhelming cinematic experience that offers a compelling spin on the great vampire myth. Elsewhere in the podcast, I keep tabs on my October activity and read earlier reviews of three Universal horror classics to complete the holiday theme.

October's advance character studies were actually shared with patrons before I'd finished the September podcasts; after a long delay in mid-summer I've managed to keep up with these rewards month by month - in fact (although I'm writing this introduction a couple weeks ahead of publication so I can't be sure) November's advances are probably already live. October features one single alongside two doubles, characters who can only be considered in conjunction with one another. The full pieces are available to $1/month patrons.

(become a patron to discover their identities)

The month's Twin Peaks Conversations - already cross-posted on this site in greater detail last week - concluded on Patreon for the $5/month tier. Unlike the characters and the Halloween podcast, this episode was released a bit late; however, the timing worked out because my conversation with the host of the Creamed Corn and the Universe character podcast was able to coincide with my guest appearance on his podcast (to discuss Sarah Palmer).

Podcast Line-Ups for...
Episode 96


MONTHLY UPDATE including highlight of work: Back to the Future Part II & Twin Peaks, behind the scenes: watched Weekend, designing Twin Peaks Cinema icons, guest on Creamed Corn and the Universe to discuss Sarah Palmer, Southland Tales discussion, Part 12 for Lost in Twin Peaks, John Bernardy & Vera Drew as future Twin Peaks Conversations guests; plans for the rest of 2022

VIEWER FEEDBACK from YouTube: Cooper's identity & John Thorne's theories

PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS including degeneration of the left & need for populist celebrity candidate, Barney & Betty Hill alien abduction, Katie Halper fired from The Hill for Israel criticism, The People's Joker at TIFF, Barbara Ehrenreich & Nickeled and Dimed, debating the PMC, the Challenger teacher selection, American who became a Soviet celebrity in 1986

OTHER FILM VIEWING: Monsters Inc., Toy Story, films & special features for upcoming podcasts


FILM IN FOCUS: Bram Stoker's Dracula w/ several minutes of comparison to Twin Peaks




FINAL WORDS on miscasting in horror & Coppola films


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