Lost in the Movies: *Links to Mountie Preston King // Judge Clinton Sternwood // Emory Battis (TWIN PEAKS Character Series #83 // #82 // #81)

*Links to Mountie Preston King // Judge Clinton Sternwood // Emory Battis (TWIN PEAKS Character Series #83 // #82 // #81)

Visit the TWIN PEAKS Character Series directory for all entries as they are published or re-introduced.

Following Sylvia Horne at #84, there are several characters who have over ten minutes of screentime in the original series but no new material in The Final Dossier or the third season. As such, these 2017 entries don't need to be revised; I can just link them here. Mountie King is a stock character used for one of the most conventional genre turns of the second season and Emory Battis is a classic heel. Judge Sternwood is also an archetype, but one treated with a bit more color and a hint of complexity...especially when you consider what happens after he exits the stage (to use his own parlance). That consideration results in one of my favorite character studies.

The next entry will be a revision, kicking off February by covering a character who appeared in the film and then showed up in the new season in very different form...

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