Lost in the Movies: TWIN PEAKS CONVERSATIONS #19 w/ "Twin Peaks Grammar" (YouTube & extended PATREON)

TWIN PEAKS CONVERSATIONS #19 w/ "Twin Peaks Grammar" (YouTube & extended PATREON)

A new presence in the Twin Peaks community both as a commentator and a viewer (he only discovered the series, all at once, in 2020), Anthony has adopted the account name "Twin Peaks Grammar" across Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram (on podcast platforms, he hosts audio versions of his videos with the name Artists Love Twin Peaks). He diagrams sentences - from Peaks itself as well as texts by its analysts - to explore what the words refer to, and he takes a similar approach to his conversations with authors and filmmakers. Describing himself as a point guard (I've also compared him to a conductor), Anthony is modest about his own observations, but his inquisitive, dialectical nature yields many insights. Accordingly, after a more conventional start in which I explore his background and interests, much of this podcast - one of my longest episodes, with nearly two hours reserved for patrons - consists of Anthony asking me questions. This takes the form of both a lightning round (I timed myself with a stopwatch to keep under a minute) and a much more open-ended approach in which my answers turned into monologues on topics like the state of cinema, the evolution of an obsession, and why I became so absorbed in Peaks at the particular moment of 2014. We also maintain a back-and-forth on perennial subjects like Diane, tulpas, and what Mr. C means for Cooper. First, though, how did Anthony immerse himself in the series and what led him to his particular lens? Here is the public kickoff to our discussion, already over an hour...

For the $5/month tier, the Patreon back "half" is actually another hour and fifty minutes. This is where the approach gets more experimental and wide-ranging, starting with the quick rundown of questions about the series, turning back into an inquiry of Anthony with some conversational flow between us, and then ending as I ponder the bigger shape of my engagement with Twin Peaks.

Listen to...

Listen to his podcast Artists Love Twin Peaks

TP Grammar on YouTube

Follow him on Twitter & Instagram

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