Lost in the Movies: *Link to Evelyn Marsh (TWIN PEAKS Character Series #46)

*Link to Evelyn Marsh (TWIN PEAKS Character Series #46)

Visit the TWIN PEAKS Character Series directory for all entries as they are published or re-introduced.

In many ways, Evelyn is a character at odds with the direction of The Return (which she does not appear in; hence the link below to the unrevised, original character study published in 2017). Her storyline is one of soapiest of the old series whereas the third season largely dispenses with that degree of melodramatic storytelling. Plus her name is often used as shorthand for the series straying far from its Lynchian roots, which doesn't leave her much quarter in a season directed entirely by David Lynch. On the other hand, one of the qualities that set Evelyn apart in the second season has now become much more common: she's the first character we meet outside the immediate vicinity of Twin Peaks, setting a precedent for The Return's sprawling geography. Although her screentime ends in episode 22, she is mentioned in Mark Frost's novel The Final Dossier (which came out after I wrote the entry) - reciting the outline of the series events, the book's narrator adds the Evelyn was eventually found guilty of murder. Another addendum to the old entry is worth mentioning: Annette McCarthy sadly passed away just a few months ago, yet another open-ended performer bio since closed off by an early death.
(There may be a long pause at this point in the series, with the entry for #45 appearing later in the spring or early summer. If so, I’ll offer an update with more information in a week.)

When I was composing the character series five years ago, one of the biggest, most bemusing surprises came when Evelyn placed slightly higher than another character far more deeply associated with the world of Twin Peaks. Now, thanks to additional screentime in the third season, that's no longer the case. So get ready for one of the show's most iconic characters next...

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