Lost in the Movies: May 2023 Patreon round-up including TWIN PEAKS Character Series advance & update to rewards

May 2023 Patreon round-up including TWIN PEAKS Character Series advance & update to rewards

For a variety of reasons, May was the quietest month I've ever had, and likely ever will have, on my Patreon. Rewards were delayed and the tiers were modified, with only one piece making it up in the month itself - aside from a detailed update on these conditions. To reiterate briefly here, I ran into major and completely unexpected roadblocks finding guests for Twin Peaks Conversations. When I finally did make contact, the recordings were scheduled for June based on their availability so I will be catching up with both April and May $5/month tier rewards this month. Fortunately, there will also be a bonus conversation since other guests got back to me recently, and we set up a recording for mid-June as well. Speaking of bonuses, I at last recorded responses to five of the six acclaimed 2010s films I've watched since February and a sixth will be recorded soon. These, possibly along with several other films I haven't watched yet (though I don't want to drag this out much further) are destined for the final $1/month Patreon podcast that has long been on the horizon. Additionally, as I shift away from conversations, conclude the podcasts, and pause the character advances, I'm going to be offering advance work on other projects to the top tier as well. Last month, I mistakenly said May would make up for April and it didn't. But based on what's already done or in the docket, it looks like June will make up for both.

Meanwhile, the one character study I released (taking me right up to the brink of the top thirty) is another omnibus encompassing a broad ensemble exclusive to the third season...

become a patron to discover the identity:

And here is the announcement of changing rewards, delays, and upcoming work in more detail than I provided above. Please note that while I mentioned seven guests I was unable to reach, that number is now fortunately down to six (meaning, as already noted, there will be a bonus reward in addition to the catch-ups for April and May)...

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