Lost in the Movies: November 2023

Final Plan to reach & complete Journey Through Twin Peaks (keeping track)

A list of ongoing work
updated daily with the latest progress (in red)

Begins on November 22, 2023
Last update: May 3, 2024

(focusing on Twin Peaks Characters + May & December Patreon + cross-post for belated April Patreon)

Completed 10 of probably 83* steps
including 6 upcoming public entries that have been previewed on Patreon
(+ additional 7 from before November 22)
& not including monthly $5/month tier rewards/bonuses
*initially 73 steps, latest added on April 1

When I concluded my public film writing and podcasts in October 2023, I decided it was time to re-present the consistently-updated list of priority projects which I'd used to track my progress for two years. The steps (or obstacles) to resuming my Journey Through Twin Peaks video series have been simplified and streamlined, limited mostly to two other big Twin Peaks projects - the Lost in Twin Peaks public podcast and the TWIN PEAKS Character Series. From this point forward, the only regular monthly distraction will be my exclusive $5/month tier rewards (the $1/month rewards are simply advance entries from the character series). I am debating working on two other video projects before Journey, partly as a warm-up, and will definitely have a handful of Twin Peaks conversations both on my own platform and on others'. You can also hear more about my publication schedule in this video (embedded at the end of this post as well) and follow my progress in a new Twitter thread.

Here are the projects in rough order of priority (although I will work on several simultaneously), with further details and the most up-to-date information on each...

belated October 2023 Patreon round-up: EXCLUSIVE - Star Trek & Star Wars: The Clone Wars viewing diaries & Podcast Episode 100 Films in Focus

Although technically these are October rewards, my exclusive $5/month and $1/month tier content was actually released in early November, delayed by a focus on the public work I wanted to finish by October 31. I advance those on Patreon before that, as you can see here, here, here, and here, just in time for a late Halloween conclusion. The official, more permanent patron-exclusive posts were ready soon afterwards and are linked below. For the $5/month tier, I shared a couple viewing diary entries I wrote years ago but never published until now (because I never followed up with other episodes as intended, they currently exist as one-offs). Both cover the first official episodes of sci-fi series from two of the most beloved sagas of all time - in one case, the original Star Trek show back when it was a scrappy Gene Roddenberry-led upstart and in the other case, an animated Star Wars series which premiered in the final years of George Lucas' reign. Meanwhile, I finally published the last part of my Episode 100 podcast opus, covering a dozen different films in depth. Although this particular chapter is shared below, for the complete picture of the multipart episode - released over many months - you should check out the official Episode 100 cross-post.

FINAL Lost in the Movies Patreon podcast • Episode 100 - Concluding the 10s & Reaching the 20s w/ 12 Films in Focus: The Tree of Life as Twin Peaks Cinema, The Lighthouse w/ guest Riley MacDonald, The Fabelmans, Avatar: The Way of Water, Moonlight, The Master, The Act of Killing, Amour, The Florida Project, The Turin Horse, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Toni Erdmann, 40s/30s/silent archive readings of Kiss of Death, Bambi, The Magnificent Ambersons, Three Comrades, The Mind Reader, The Battleship Potemkin, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Be Kind Rewind, Landmarks of Early Film + feedback & more

For most of this year, I've been promising a grand finale to the patron podcast that began in January 2018. This episode also doubles as a conclusion to the decades series launched in August 2023, in which I initially covered films from the 1980s and then stretched out in either direction, finally reaching the 2010s and 1950s in Episode 99. The bulk of the movies discussed in those earlier episodes were given the capsule treatment (less than ten minutes, often less than five, dwelling on just a few aspects); this time, every single topic is a "film in focus" with my review running at least fifteen minutes, in many cases in half hour, and in a few even longer than that. These dozen films wrap up the teens decade and tiptoe into the twenties with two relatively new releases - Avatar: The Way of Water and The Fablemans - which I saw in theaters earlier this year, and which pair up nicely given their complementary contrasts. The line-up also includes a guest discussion with Riley MacDonald on Robert Eggers' crusty psychological horror flick The Lighthouse and one last "Twin Peaks Cinema" analysis, comparing the David Lynch/Mark Frost series, especially but not exclusively the third season, to The Tree of Life, Terrence Malick's epic meditation setting a fifties Texas childhood against the backdrop of the creation of the universe. While a couple selections are fairly random (The Master and The Florida Project), six of the other titles were specifically selected because they are the most acclaimed films from the decade that I'd never seen before: Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Toni Erdmann, The Turin Horse, Amour, Moonlight, and The Act of Killing.

All of those reflections are packed into a single massive upload (my longest single podcast file) that was finally published a few days ago as a belated October $1/month tier reward; however, I'm cross-posting the whole Episode 100 separately from my monthly round-up because it actually spans several months. I released a set of public archival readings earlier in the year (extending the decades theme in the other direction by sharing pieces I'd previously written about forties, thirties, and silent cinema), and a couple months ago I published the opening of the podcast, an intro with some updates and a long gathering of listener (and viewer and reader) feedback. Though I intended to end that section before Episode 100, I received so many interesting responses in the spring and summer that I wanted to give it one last go. Altogether, the entire package runs over eight and a half hours. If you've not yet become a patron, keep in mind that by joining you'll be able to access not only this whole episode but an archive spanning half a decade including much material that was never made public. The monthly round-up will be presented in a few days but for now, the focus is on this farewell to one of my longest running endeavors...

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