Lost in the Movies: belated April 2024 Patreon round-up including TWIN PEAKS Character Series advance & Twin Peaks Conversations podcast (w/ revised patron introduction + Lost in Twin Peaks public status update)

belated April 2024 Patreon round-up including TWIN PEAKS Character Series advance & Twin Peaks Conversations podcast (w/ revised patron introduction + Lost in Twin Peaks public status update)

For the first time since 2012, a calendar month passed without any posts on this main site. I couldn't publish this round-up until early May because one of the April rewards was delayed: part two of the bonus Twin Peaks Conversations episode with Cameron Cloutier and Josh Eisenstadt about an upcoming fan film (Josh's potential project is in flux and was ultimately cut out of the discussion). Nonetheless, other content did pop up on Patreon over the past month, in particular the usual advance character entry as we continue our dive into the final twenty. I also polled patrons about their pick for May's Films in Focus podcast. After an initial logjam of individual votes, I put out the call for more participation and got a clear response for a film which I'm looking forward to covering soon.

Meanwhile, I updated my "Welcome to Patreon" video (mostly recorded in December) to include the patron polls which were added to my reward structure in January...

What are the April rewards?


Exclusive to this tier...


Advance for all patrons...

(public release for #30 - 19 is unscheduled, probably later this year into next year)
...become a patron to discover their identities

+ public status update: Lost in Twin Peaks - Where is Season 2? (Patreon & public plans)

Finally, since I'm not doing status updates anymore, I'll include one other announcement here. In early April, I offered a quick bonus for the public Lost in Twin Peaks feed mentioning my plans for releasing season two and reminding listeners that for now all of those episodes can be found on Patreon (in a different form than their eventual presentation):

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