Lost in the Movies: THE ARCHIVE Chapter 20: Getting Lost in Lynchland (March - June 2014)

THE ARCHIVE Chapter 20: Getting Lost in Lynchland (March - June 2014)

Bit by bit, I fell back into the world of Twin Peaks and David Lynch in the spring of 2014. At first this growing fascination hummed beneath the surface and in the background but within a few months, it dominated all of my work. After a year of breadth, this was the time to plumb depths: not only my return to a filmmaker whom I'd absorbed in the early months of my site, but a return to writing analytical essays and editing video montages, all with a laser-sharp focus on a particular area.

Subjects include reviews of every single Lynch feature, my extensive media round-up of early Twin Peaks coverage, an ongoing conversation on Fire Walk With Me with Tony Dayoub, a visual tribute to an unforgettable killer's reveal, and a final round-up of albums with emphasis on early nineties grunge and early teens hip-hop - and, of course, some Twin Peaks music.

Take This Baby and Deliver It to Death: a video tribute to David Lynch, my highlight of this period, was delivered at the midpoint of David Lynch Month in June; it conveys the director's treatment of abuse and denial in his early films, and even tells a kind of cohesive story, by weaving together many of his most troubling and haunting moments.


Long Players in the Shortest Month: #iPodAlbumPlaylist, February 2014
What I listened to in the second month of the year

The more things change...: A collage/catalog of Forrest Gump
Visual examples of repetition and variation from a film that's full of both

The Future of Lost in the Movies: status update, March 2014
All kinds of plans, soon to be delayed, transformed, or altogether abandoned in favor of a growing obsession with Twin Peaks

"It is happening...again.": Images from an episode of Twin Peaks
My first Twin Peaks post in four years was a visual tribute to the killer's reveal episode

The Sides of March: #iPodAlbumPlaylist, March 2014
The last listening post includes early nineties grunge and recent hip-hop


The Wolf of Wall Street
Martin Scorsese offers superficiality as spectacle - is there a "there" there?

Son of Man
My favorite Jesus film is this late sixties TV play by Dennis Potter

The Hero We Didn't Know We Needed: a conversation with Jared Drake, director of Visioneers & the upcoming Mack Luster
Interviewing a filmmaker about his out-of-time action hero

Reading Spielberg
I contributed some old reviews to the first in a series of e-books about directors


Twin Peaks is Dead - Long Live Laura Palmer! (Fire Walk With Me conversation w/ Tony Dayoub - Part 1 of 4)
And so it begins. My conversation with Tony starts with the history of Laura and the TV show, launching two months of David Lynch material...

Poetry Becomes Prose in Fire Walk With Me (Fire Walk With Me conversation w/ Tony Dayoub - Part 2 of 4)
The Fire Walk With Me conversation continues as Tony explores his own Twin Peaks fandom and how Teresa Banks reveals Lynch's aim

Back Door to the Black Lodge (Fire Walk With Me conversation w/ Tony Dayoub - Part 3 of 4)
I begin to dig into the mystical side of Fire Walk With Me in my reply to Tony

Lynch's Affinity for Laura Palmer (Fire Walk With Me conversation w/ Tony Dayoub - Part 4 of 4)
To conclude our conversation, Tony discusses how Fire Walk With Me and Lynch's fascination with its heroine changed the course of his career


Weird on Top: David Lynch Month on Lost in the Movies (including "My Journey into Lynchland" below)
My history with David Lynch, a bunch of screenshots, and an introduction to a full month of very lengthy Lynch posts

Gone Fishin': A collection of commentary on Twin Peaks
Gathering samples from over a hundred media responses to Twin Peaks from 1989 to 2014 - news reports, reviews, interviews, scholarly analyses, blog posts, and more

Take This Baby and Deliver It to Death: a video tribute to David Lynch
My first video essay in a year and a half, a non-narrated montage exploring how Lynch handles themes of abuse in his early work - this remains one of my strongest pieces of work

The Eye of the Duck: A David Lynch retrospective, 1967 - 2013 (part one: the trees)
One of my most ambitious pieces, a complete anthology of full-length reviews of every David Lynch feature, with shorter reviews of his TV episodes, shorts, videos, and commercials

It's a Strange World: A David Lynch retrospective, 1967 - 2013 (part two: the forest)
A comprehensive essay examining how David Lynch's work evolved narratively, thematically, and stylistically over half a century - this concluded "David Lynch Month" on the site

(I covered this period on Episode 19 of my Patreon podcast)

Next: Journeying into Twin Peaks (July 2014 - February 2015)
(in which I create my most popular work, a video series on Twin Peaks)

Previous: Classics & Completionism (October 2013 - February 2014)

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