This was definitely the summer of the screen-cap (and more will follow in a moment...). Since February, I've been keeping a visual diary of every movie I watched - including short films and online videos - and at times the pace has been rapid enough to drown out my other pieces. August was such a time: a succession of cartoon screen-cap round-ups swallowed up my homepage and hid the rest of my summer work.
So I'm using the end of the season to look back and offer highlights from the past few months - posts that weren't viewing, listening, or reading round-ups (I've also been posting album covers to reflect my iPod playlists and book covers to reflect a reading list).
I will continue the visual diary approach in coming months: I enjoy it, it's relatively easy to do, and seems to appeal to readers. However, I also hope to supplement these mostly silent images (adorned only with epigrams) with more essays, particularly focused on memorable movies I've seen in 2013 (I haven't reviewed a film since April). Not, that is, movies from 2013 - of which I've so far seen only one. But that's another story.
Meanwhile, here are my non-#WatchlistScreenCaps posts from Memorial Day to Labor Day, 2013:
Dozen images from two visually striking Grail films
The Pebble and the String: an allegory for art • quotation
Indian screenwriter's thoughts on tradition and innovcation
What I feel needs to be said • essay
Reflections on race and political discourse after the Trayvon Martin case
Lost in the Movies turns 5 today • announcement
Very short acknowledgement of my blog's anniversary
Very, very long reflection on my blog's history, with pictures of its former looks
Complete directory - in images - to every film featured in Mark Cousins' documentary
Watch my short film, Class of 2002 • announcement
Six-month anniversary of my movie's premiere
My first amateur movie shoot took place on July 31, 1993, when I was nine
Back and back and back... • quotation
Carl Jung dreams of human history as a mysterious house
And finally, following the jump are some more images from the movies I saw this summer:
images: Grand Canyon (top), A Safe Place, The Mosquito Coast, Drive He Said, Blues in the Night, Animal Kingdom
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