Lost in the Movies: What remains of #WatchlistScreenCaps: gleaning the castaways

What remains of #WatchlistScreenCaps: gleaning the castaways

Over the past year, I've selected, tweeted, and posted one image from every film I watched (including shorts, music videos, and YouTube clips, as long as they were self-contained). My choices were based on a number of factors: striking composition, personal connection, iconography, originality, sometimes whatever fit the particular caption I had in mind. As a result, hundreds of images were screen-capped without being chosen (aside from the headers and occasional bonus pics posted in round-ups). Many of these were just as interesting, representative, or beautiful as the screen-caps chosen - perhaps more so.

Over a year ago, when this blog was four and a half years old, I posted a massive line-up of images I'd uploaded to Blogger but never posted. There were 219 images featured; this time there are exactly 500 - more than double in less than a quarter of the time. That should indicate what a harvest my quest for screen-caps yielded, so that even the gleanings are rich.

The half-thousand images below are divided into two sections: films and music videos, and within that they are ordered alphabetically by film or song title, which makes for some interesting juxtapositions. Every title is linked to the relevant #WatchlistScreenCaps round-up so that you can see what image I did pick. I even included some TV series I screen-capped even though I usually didn't feature those in my round-ups (unless completed).

Finally, and as always, I hope images from films you haven't seen yet - or better yet, haven't even heard of - will encourage you to seek them out. Most, if not all, are worth the effort. And of course if you have any comments on these films, or questions about them, please leave a comment and we can discuss further. OK, that's it for the words, now for the images...

KateModern (unfinished)


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