Lost in the Movies: Patreon update #7: Blade Runner 2049 w/ Max Clark (+ music of Journey Through Twin Peaks & more)

Patreon update #7: Blade Runner 2049 w/ Max Clark (+ music of Journey Through Twin Peaks & more)

update: this was originally published without the link to the podcast, which has now been added!

Every now and then, I will have a friend on the show as a guest. Max Clark, one of my oldest friends and a fellow commentator on film, is also a patron who chose this week's topic as his Film in Focus. Because it's an extended discussion, this episode will feature only one movie although from now on, double/triple/quadruple features will be the norm.

Blade Runner 2049 is one of the few films I saw in theaters in 2017 (coincidentally or not, while visiting Max in Boston). I enjoyed it and thought it would provide a rich subject for conversation, and it did. We focused on questions around the character Joi (does she have any humanity, and if not what's the point?), the ubiquity of Replicants in the world of this sequel, the political allegory of 2049, and of course its relationship to the original film among many other aspects.

Additionally, I highlight the musical bookends and markers of my Journey Through Twin Peaks series, muse on why I prefer Winter to Summer Olympics, and dig a bit into my fascination with Aldous Huxley.

UPDATE December 2018: The Blade Runner 2049 discussion was published for free on YouTube.

WEEKLY UPDATE/recent posts: updated links for 32 Days of Movies clips
WEEKLY UPDATE/Patreon: Films in Focus
WEEKLY UPDATE/works in progress: re-scheduling Twin Peaks Character Series, Buster Keaton for Voyage into the Movies, Baudelaire for Cinepoems, Mad Men viewing diary
FILM IN FOCUS: Blade Runner 2049 w/ guest Max Clark
TWIN PEAKS REFLECTIONS: Making Journey Through Twin Peaks, pt. 2 - the music of Journey Through Twin Peaks
OTHER TOPICS: The Winter Olympics & North Korea
LISTENER FEEDBACK: High-Rise, Aldous Huxley, A Field in England
OPENING THE ARCHIVE: "Open Season for Blogging" (November - December 2009), this week's highlight: For the Love of Movies interview


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