Lost in the Movies: Status update: "Remembering the Class of 2002" & getting ahead on Lost in Twin Peaks

Status update: "Remembering the Class of 2002" & getting ahead on Lost in Twin Peaks

Before I get to an update on my schedule, I've taken the opportunity of another anniversary - the twentieth for the high school class of 2002 - to re-share my short film from 2013, a "fictional documentary" titled Class of 2002. Due to technical issues back then, I never actually published the full, finished video on my Lost in the Movies YouTube channel; I only shared it in installments (prior to a few final revisions) at the time. Since I'm also having trouble accessing that other channel behind the scenes, this seems like a good moment to finally place that movie on the main feed. I've embedded it below.

As for the rest?

This will hopefully be the last time I need to provide a status update until at least July. Five of the last seven Fridays required such an update, often at least in part because I had some work I wanted to share (as with today) but more often because I needed to keep tabs on a schedule that getting out of hand (also as with today, although fortunately it's good news this time). Having gotten over the hump of the belated monthly Patreon podcast, the first couple weeks of Lost in Twin Peaks season three coverage, and other online and offline matters demanding my attention, I can now finally declare that I'm ahead of schedule again. After weeks of barely keeping up with the daily podcasts and falling behind on other work, I'm now two days ahead at the time of writing (Thursday morning) and ideally a bit more than that by the time you're reading this. My Part 5 podcast coverage is complete; once again, I'm posting the episodes early each morning (rather than the tail end of each day).

It's a slight head start but a welcome one, and you can keep tabs on my progress, as always, here. My goal is to be a month ahead on Lost in Twin Peaks by the end of June which will allow me to spread my wings and dabble in some other projects too (while still keeping at least a couple weeks ahead on the Peaks podcast). One of those projects may be the "Generations" video I spoke of quite a bit on my recent patron podcast. As a particular era designated in my "Seven American Generations" post draws to a close, I can't seem to escape this particular theme. Speaking of which...

Watch Class of 2002:

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