A list of ongoing work for 2021 - 23
updated daily with the latest progress
updated daily with the latest progress
Last update: as of October 31, 2023
(focusing on nothing anymore)
No longer tracking earliest incomplete step
(All non-Twin Peaks projects scheduled to end by late October 2023 w/ Lost in Twin Peaks, the TWIN PEAKS Character Series, Journey Through Twin Peaks continuing after that and getting tracked on a new page)
I have completed 18 upcoming entries across all projects (including all reviews or major pieces previewed on Patreon)
0 Lost in Twin Peaks podcasts & companions / 0 bonus Twin Peaks Conversations podcasts / 0 Lost in the Movies podcasts / Twin Peaks Cinema podcasts / 12 films in focus + feedback for final $1/month tier podcasts / 6 Twin Peaks Character Series written entries (+ no more already public from 2017) / 0 Unseen / 0 other / 0 Journey Through Twin Peaks video chapters
INTRO (from 2021)
After multiple attempts to create intricate "path to Journey Through Twin Peaks" and then stumbling over and over again because I took on too much, I'm keeping it simple. I have two big Twin Peaks projects - the Lost in Twin Peaks public podcast and my rebooted "TWIN PEAKS Character Series" writing - to finish before returning to my Journey videos. I also want to keep my Lost in the Movies and Twin Peaks Cinema public podcast feeds at least minimally active (once a month for each, re-presenting old patron recordings) as well as maintaining my monthly patron rewards including the new Twin Peaks Conversations series, half on YouTube, half for my $5/month tier (although the the $1/month tier podcast probably needs to be simplified and changed up in other ways). And since I began the Olympic film capsule series in August after the summer games, I'd like to conclude it before the Winter Olympics in February. Beyond that, it would be nice to resume my "Unseen" essay series and some other projects, but I suspect that will end up having to be postponed - as have all the other projects I'd been planning for the coming year. It's time to head into the home stretch on my Twin Peaks work and let almost everything else fall by the wayside. (You can also learn about my publication schedule in this video or follow my progress on these steps in this Twitter thread.)
Here are the projects in order of priority, with further details and the most up-to-date information on each...
1) Lost in Twin Peaks public podcast
PAUSED on season 3 finale
(a week on each episode w/ an illustrated companion)
(last changed November 21, 2021)
•a) finish season 1 finale (#8) by the end of 2021 (finished)•b) finish Fire Walk With Me (#31) to publish on 30th anniversary (May 2022) (finished)
-c) finish season 3 (#32 - 46) to publish on 5th anniversaries (May - September 2022) (paused twice - finale remains for 2023)
-d) go back to finish season 2 ep. 1 - 9 to publish all before May 2022 (will publish later instead)
-e) finish the rest of season 2 to complete the podcast in the first part of 2023 (will publish later instead)
Last-minute update today to: nothing
Focus on: re-editing podcasts for #46B-G (season 3 finale)
Next work: illustrated companions: finish all remaining "Mystery"/"Cooper" (B) + "Subplots" (D) sections up to S2E9 & then...
all remaining "Laura"/"Older Subplots" (C) sections
Complete but unpublished*: season 3 finale illustrated companion & all "A" sections ("Welcome") for illustrated companions
finished 24 of 47 weeks (Fire Walk With Me was 2 weeks)
24 of 46 illustrated companions & 23 of 46 multi-part episodes
(*aside from last-minute updates)
Latest release: Lost in Twin Peaks #45 - S3 Parts 16 (The Return - "No Knock, No Doorbell") podcasts & illustrated companion
2) Monthly podcasts
FINISHED on October 31, 2023
(One remaining Twin Peaks Conversations + bonuses, one remaining Patreon episode)
(last changed February 12, 2021)
•a) Begin shift to new Patreon rewards, discuss options w/ patrons (finished)
•b) Catch up w/ late or imminent Patreon podcasts & cross-posts (October/November) (finished)
•c) Finish all 2021 podcasts (December) (finished)
•d) Settle on & begin new approaches for 2022 (finished deciding & fulfilling)
•e) Get & stay a month ahead (never reached)
Focus on each podcast...
•Twin Peaks Conversations (finished except for public teasers for Patreon content)
•Lost in the Movies (finished except for public teasers for Patreon content)
•Twin Peaks Cinema (finished except for public teasers for Patreon content)
•$1/month Patreon tier (finished)
Last-minute update added today to: nothing
Next work: record Rob King in November
Complete but unpublished*
(*aside from last-minute updates)
Twin Peaks Conversations: nothing
Lost in the Movies: nothing left (except previews)
Twin Peaks Cinema: nothing left (except previews)
final Patreon episode: nothing left
...finished 5 of 5 for the last committed month, October
(the rest are concluded or will be bonus episodes)
Advances available for the $5/month tier: nothing
Latest releases: FINAL Episode 100 - Concluding the 10s & Reaching the 20s w/ 12 Films in Focus: The Tree of Life as Twin Peaks Cinema, The Lighthouse w/ guest Riley MacDonald, The Fabelmans, Avatar: The Way of Water, Moonlight, The Master, The Act of Killing, Amour, The Florida Project, The Turin Horse, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Toni Erdmann & Lost in the Movies #60 - Sight & Sound #14 Stalker & Twin Peaks Conversations #22 - Lost Highway: Fist of Love author Scott Ryan & Twin Peaks Cinema #26 - Mary Sweeney's Baraboo
3) rebooted TWIN PEAKS Character Series
(patron schedule: 3 advance entries each month)
7 entries ahead of schedule
There is not currently a strict schedule for upcoming entries, but...
The public series is currently paused at #31 and probably won't resume publication until next year when I've finished work on all of them; meanwhile I will continue advancing entries for patrons - currently up to #24 - as they are written.
(last changed May 20, 2022)
•Advance at least three new or revised entries for patrons each month that the public series is dormant
*Stay far enough ahead of backlog that I can advance entries for patrons, in weekly round-ups if necessary, a month ahead of time
Complete but not yet previewed on Patreon: nothing
fully finished 67 of 91 (some other entries already or partially written/illustrated/organized)
Checked & created links to upcoming unrevised entries: no more
Latest public release: Musicians of the Road House
& previewed on Patreon: character #30 & character #29 & character #28 & character #27 & character #26 & character #25 & character #24
NOW COMPLETE: 4) Olympic Series
(capsules on documentary films)
FINISHED on February 20, 2022
(last changed November 21, 2021)
•a) Finish at least 3 more full round-ups (19 capsules) before resuming publication (finished editing the 3rd round-up the day after resuming publication)
•b) Publish weekly round-ups from January 19 - week after February Olympics end (finished)
finished 46 of 46 individual entries
ADDED IN SUMMER 2023: 5) additional random reviews, videos, or conversations
Write at least 4 written reviews (Barbie/Oppenheimer, 63 Up, two more Olympics documentaries or other random reviews), record a non-Twin Peaks conversation w/ Sam Juliano (may combine w/ Lost in the Movies podcast), create a Watership Down/Brideshead Revisited video, and work on other standalone pieces if something comes up - but finish all by late October
finished 4 of around 4 (no longer 5 or 6) individual pieces
Complete but not yet previewed or published on Patreon: nothing
& previewed on Patreon: nothing
NO MORE FOR THE PUBLIC: 6) Unseen Series
(reviewing a popular film I haven't seen from each year)
(may continue on Patreon)
(last changed September 24, 2023)
•Resume by May 4 to complete 3 entries, then pause unless working on backlog (see below) (failed - only published 1 at the time, 2 later)
•Reach The Curious Case of Benjamin Button for 2008, and then become an exclusive Patreon series at some point in the future (probably after Journey Through Twin Peaks is complete) (finished)
Focus on: nothing
Next work: nothing for a while
finished 11 of 100 & then stopped for now
Complete but unpublished: nothing
Previewed on Patreon: nothing
CANCELLED FOR NOW (after adding in summer 2022): Generations video
Finish and publish on December 31, 2022 (failed)
Read about this project here.
Progress so far...
formatted my approach before abandoning
CANCELLED: backlog
through at least the end of 2022
(no longer enough time to do 6 months in 2023)
(no longer enough time to do 6 months in 2023)
(last changed August 31, 2022)
*a) Finish all monthly podcasts through December
b) In 2023, finish all monthly podcasts through February (Patreon), June (Lost in the Movies & Twin Peaks Cinema) & September (Twin Peaks Conversations) (failed to finish 6 months ahead)
(original goal: 6 months ahead on all podcasts & Unseen by Labor Day, abandon if not)
work on this only when at least 2 weeks ahead on Lost in Twin Peaks, a month ahead on the character series, a full calendar month ahead on other podcasts & finished with Olympics series
CANCELLED FOR NOW: work on backlog of other paused/postponed projects...
ABANDONED due to lack of time in summer 2022 (may pursue some after Journey Through Twin Peaks)
Mirrors of Kane video series
The Wire & Breaking Bad viewing diaries
Left of the Movies public podcast
(benchmarks in 2022: try to start by Memorial Day, consider abandoning if not begun by 4th of July, pause again by Labor Day) (failed)
work on this only when at least 6 months ahead on everything else
6) Journey Through Twin Peaks Part 6
Wait until other film/TV commentary, Lost in Twin Peaks & the TWIN PEAKS Character Series are all finished, so maybe around spring 2024
(last changed September 11, 2023)
Here are the steps for Journey Through Twin Peaks:
a) "story section" cuts of Twin Peaks season 3 for personal reference
(as a guide for the thematically/geographically focused upcoming videos)
c) outline Part 6 (Chapters 37 - 47)
d) write narration for Part 6 (Chapters 37 - 47)
o) edit Chapter 46: What Does She See, What Does She Hear (Laura's legacy and Fire Walk With Me in season 3)
s) Write about creating Journey Through Twin Peaks Part 6
(*fan art poster from unknown creator)
Changes to this post since publication on 11/12/21...
11/21: Initially, #1 Lost in Twin Peaks was headlined "MUST MAINTAIN SCHEDULE" (to conclude, in order, on the week of the season three finale's fifth anniversary in September 2022) but today I abandoned that schedule when the pace proved too much. My goal had been to stay two weeks ahead, but I changed this to emphasize finishing certain parts of the podcast in time for anniversaries. I also re-formatted the goals and benchmark sections. (Archive of original post)
Two days later, the reasons for this change were detailed here.
around 2/13: My re-imagined approach to the main Patreon podcast will launch in May rather than March, after a couple months catching up with "bonus features" like listener feedback or film capsules.
3/7: When the Twin Peaks Character Series resumes, it will run three entries a week until it reaches the top twenty characters (not the top thirty, as originally planned).
3/8: I can begin work on the full 2022 backlog when I have finished a full calendar month of podcasts, not just when I'm a week ahead as originally planned.
3/24: "How far ahead?" counters were added to each step and the full post, now that I've built a backlog and can focus on long-term projects. I also changed "2021 - 22" to "2021 - 23" at the top.
3/31: I added links to a new Twitter thread tracking these steps, and to a video announcement about the order in which I plan to publish all of this material.
4/5: I no longer have to finish all but the Top 30 characters to renew the character series; plus The Unseen series goals were changed to reflect my new schedule: finish three for May and pick up the rest any convenient time to be published a year later. Originally, the Unseen goals were to resume work only if six months ahead on the character series and stop work on Labor Day 2022, publishing until that backlog ran out. (Somehow the Unseen adjustment was lost, so I made it again on 4/14).
4/22: I committed to not only releasing the character series entries in May, but previewing them - in weekly round-ups - a month ahead of time on Twitter. I also committed to the Unseen series schedule of three entries in May. Until...
5/11 I had to put the Unseen series on hold after just one entry. And...
5/20: I had to postpone the character series because I couldn't stay far enough ahead to provide patron advances. I no longer will preview three entries a week on Patreon, but I will preview three a month until the backlog is complete and a public entry is just a month away. My summer schedule has been abandoned except for the monthly podcasts and the Lost in Twin Peaks season 3 coverage.
7/14: I officially cancelled the "other project backlog" section that was originally step 7, and added a new step 6 for the generations video. I already mentioned this project months ago in my announcement for the 2022 - 23 schedule but had never officially worked it into this page. Now the goal is set as finishing that video by New Year's Eve and I'm set to begin work on it when I finish working on the Lost in Twin Peaks season 3 coverage.
7/24: I finally paused my season three coverage, after falling behind the day before (as well as taking a more literal fall, which also disrupted my plans). It's now planned to resume in early November
7/25: The following conditions were deleted from the generations step: "work on this only when finished with Lost in Twin Peaks season 3, a month ahead on the character series (including patron advances), a full calendar month ahead on other podcasts & finished with Olympics series". Instead, I can work on the video at the same time as other projects, as long as there isn't an immediate deadline onhand.
8/16: Since I can never get more than a couple months ahead of the monthly Patreon podcast, I added a separate tracker near the top of the page (and in the monthly podcast section). That way if the closest deadline for another project is further out than the nearest Patreon podcast, I can note it right at the top. I also added a tracker at the top for total number of completed entries in my backlog, across all projects.
8/21: I changed the goal for Journey Through Twin Peaks to give it my full attention by mid-April 2023 rather than begin my focus after Labor Day. That original goal, written last fall, presupposed that both Lost in Twin Peaks and the character series would be finished by this point, but there are still dozens of entries to go in each case (over fifty for the character entries).
8/31: My goals for step 7 (completing monthly podcasts ahead of time) were adjusted, since I don't even have a 1-week backlog as of Labor Day, let alone a 6-month one as desired. Now the goals are to finish those podcasts through December before advancing much further on other steps, and then to create episodes through a pause or stop on each one in 2023 (with final months ranging from February to September).
9/29: I officially cancelled the generations video; I hope to take it up after Journey Through Twin Peaks but I'm having trouble keeping up with other projects that need to advance this fall.
1/10: The "unseen" project was also officially cancelled since further pursuits (if any) will wait until after Journey Through Twin Peaks. Technically, Lost in Twin Peaks and the character series are cancelled since I'm no longer making them a priority over the Journey videos during time self-assigned for online work. However, since I'm going to chip into what would otherwise be free time to keep working on them, I haven't given them that status.
2/19: With only one Patreon $1/month tier episode remaining, which does not have a deadline but is planned for mid-March, I adjusted several sections to reflect one less monthly podcast goal to pursue (beyond the finale).
3/23: Because I plan to pause my podcasts within the next 6 months, I abandoned the step that prioritized creating a 6-month backlog. With all but the first 4 steps cancelled (with 1 finished and 2 of these deprioritized to after-hours), Journey Through Twin Peaks becomes the 5th step and a priority as soon as I have completed the 100th Patreon podcast, April's podcasts, and a conversation with a non-Twin Peaks guest.
5/23: With most podcasts complete or close to it, other than Lost in Twin Peaks, I revised numerous sections to reflect that there's no longer a particular schedule or deadline for individual projects, other than to wrap up everything by late October.
5/29: The description of monthly podcasts was shorted to just two now that Lost in the Movies and Twin Peaks Cinema have been finished.
6/10: I belatedly changed the goal of the Journey Through Twin Peaks section for the first time since August, recognizing that the project was not completed in April nor would it wait until after my work on Lost in Twin Peaks or the character series. Now the goal reflects the general late October deadline for everything as well as this project's priority during regular online work hours. Additionally, I changed the overall description for the first few sections to reflect that monthly podcasts are not and haven't been a lower priority than Journey Through Twin Peaks.
7/23: The "additional reviews, conversations, and videos" category was added to cover random entries that don't appear anywhere else (which would formerly have been listed under the "backlog" category). I also changed the line before the Journey category to read "mid-2023" rather than "early 2023".
8/8: Since I'm now regularly previewing non-character content on Patreon, I adjusted the "completed work" section at the top of this post to reflect all completed work, including what had been made available to patrons ahead of a planned public release.
9/4: Finally abandoning my late October deadline for the three big Twin Peaks projects (but not for other public film/TV commentary), I removed the designation of Lost in Twin Peaks and the character series as "after-hour" second and third priorities - noting that none of this work needs to be completed in a particular order anymore. In the "random reviews etc" section I switched out the two Olympic documentaries for two other film reviews, since one of the Olympic documentaries does not look like it will be available by October.
9/11: I belatedly changed Journey Through Twin Peaks goal to reflect that it won't be finish3d by the original deadline and that I'm once again prioritizing other projects first. Prior to this (aince June) it read: "Finish presenting by late October 2023, beginning work in June & giving it priority over Lost in Twin Peaks & the character series inside regular online work hours"
9/15: I added categories for previewed and not yet previewed to the "random reviews etc" section now that some work is done behind the scenes.
(*Mt. Si Motel photo by Todd Hido)
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