Lost in the Movies: Eraserhead as Twin Peaks Cinema #22 - The Lynchverse (podcast)

Eraserhead as Twin Peaks Cinema #22 - The Lynchverse (podcast)

A couple years ago, I published a couple episodes on my Lost in the Movies podcast comparing David Lynch's first feature, Eraserhead, to his last, Inland Empire: one episode described each film and the next offered ten connections between them. Now, as a kind of sequel to that endeavor, I'm sharing my episode connecting Eraserhead to Twin Peaks. This is a theme I've often explored, in written reviews as well as video essays - especially the connection between Henry's actions in the film's ending and the murder of Laura Palmer (most notably, in Take This Baby and Deliver It to Death, a non-narrated piece that opens with the juxtaposition of Eraserhead and Fire Walk With Me). This time, however, I focused on season three of Twin Peaks, in which Lynch returns to his earliest roots; the work of his seventies and his twenties connect through the character of Cooper/Dougie, the supernatural space of the Red Room and Radiator, and the climax of both the film and the new series. I'm also including a section comparing the dark, surreal world of Eraserhead to one of the soapiest Peaks plotlines: Donna Hayward's investigation into why Ben Horne is visiting her mother (that section begins at 40:35). Like last month's episode on Mulholland Drive and the upcoming month teased at the end of this installment, my exploration of Eraserhead traces the way that Lynch's work, for all its variations, has remained consistent.

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(listen to a Patreon audio archive of my previous work/mentions)

In a complete survey of Lynch's filmography up to 2014 w/ individual review & in a broader essay + in an interview w/ Lynch scholar Martha Nochimson

(including Eraserhead mentions not listed above)

Recently on Lost in the Movies podcast - Heart of a Dog

Recently on Twin Peaks Conversations - John Bernardy, host of Blue Rose Task Force

Recently in my NEW TWIN PEAKS CHARACTER SERIES (written entries):

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