Lost in the Movies: February 2023 Patreon round-up including 3 TWIN PEAKS Character Series advances & Twin Peaks Conversations podcast

February 2023 Patreon round-up including 3 TWIN PEAKS Character Series advances & Twin Peaks Conversations podcast

The actual calendar month of February was quite busy on my Patreon, but that was largely due to the last regular episode of my $1/month tier podcast...which was actually a belated January reward. As such, I included it in the previous round-up. This one will be shorter: focused just on the rewards associated with February, whose contents are more mysterious and so can be described in less detail...

For the $1/month tier, I continued my advance previews of TWIN PEAKS Character Series entries, in this case a trio of Return exclusives who aren't scheduled to go public until April. (I initially linked these in the January update by mistake; that's since been fixed, but if you saw these already and missed the previous ones, here's #55, 54, and 52.) Without spoiling this month's identities completely, I will say that at least one of the characters is in the great Getty photo above. You do the math (not that you'd expect Cooper to be #50 in terms of screentime anyway!). To narrow it down further, however - and more importantly, read these entirely new entries in full - you can become a patron if you're not already. It's a good time to jump in, and not only because you'll have five years of archives to explores. At the end of March I'll be shifting to more regular character advances, hopefully three weekly, in order to stay a month ahead of the public series...

Although I already cross-posted the podcast as a whole, the $5/month tier gets exclusive access to one of my longer Twin Peaks Conversations "back halves" (actually, a whole extra hour and fifty minutes in addition to the hour-plus on YouTube). Anthony of "Twin Peaks Grammar" turns the tables by asking me many questions, some in a lightning round, others as spurs for very long, wandering answers - and I of course have more questions for him...

That's it for this month's update - without the main film podcast there are no show notes to list, and with the advances soon to be picking up there will be even more left to the imagination. There is, however, one more grand, freefloating podcast reward in the offing. Episode 100 will contain full-length reviews of many films, most from the past decade. I'm hoping to have it up in the next couple weeks (though logistics and travel/work plans may push it back to April), but some content for March is already available on Patreon. I'll save those details for the next monthly update.

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