Lost in the Movies: THE ARCHIVE: full directory

THE ARCHIVE: full directory



Starting the blog • new releases from 2007/2008 • silent cinema • The Dark Knight • D.W. Griffith AUTEURS series • Holy Grail/"dirty dozen" memes • Iraq War documentaries • first response to Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With MeTwin Peaks episode guide • David Lynch film reviews • Hooray for (Hating) Hollywood • Hollywood classics • The Election Series • reflection on Bush era culture  Quick One capsule reviews • Astaire & Rogers dance collection

making & checking resolutions • Obama's inauguration • first coverage of The Wind in the Willows • mumblecore • Wonders in the Dark • favorite characters • Reading the Movies meme • The Examiner • summer of big screen classics • new releases from 2008/2009 • Luchino Visconti • my first video essay • my first interview • The Sun's New Yellow (new blog for casual posting) • Best of the 21st Century? (early version) • news stories • contemporary independent cinema

sharing audio/video clips on YouTube • first visual tributes • blogger-selected best of the blogosphere '09 • posters from my childhood moviegoing, 1988 - 1998 • poster galleries for film directors • Lost in the Movies (new blog for weekly reviews of current cinema) • this year's Academy Award nominees • Holy Grail meme image collection • Now Playing/New on DVD coverage (new releases from 2009/2010) • Best of the 21st Century? • picture gallery meme • overview of six Star Wars films • beginning Remembering the Movies (what came out 10-100 years ago this weekend) • The Wind in the Willow series • The Sunday Matinee (Italian/British/Czechoslovakian/French New Waves) • three Disney classics

final Sunday Matinee entry • continuing/concluding Remembering the Movies • blogger-selected best of the blogosphere '10 & '11 • contributions to the Musical Countdown • first Evangelion post • more favorite characters • 32 Days of Movies film clip series • 60 Years of Cinema in 40 Seconds video • Monthly Themes: Universal Horror, Animated Animals, Avant-Garde • The Big Ones series (reviewing 32 classics for the first time) • 100 of my favorite films

Raymond Chandler & detective fiction • a few new releases from 2011/2012 • 90 favorite paintings/artworks • long essay on the 60s/boomers reunion films • teen movie week • 40s classic week • films about Africa week • 80s children's entertainment week • reaction to Disney/Lucasfilm deal • Neon Genesis Evangelion series begins (ep. 1-7) • The Favorites series begins • my first narrated video essays • teasers for my short film

My short film Class of 2002 • Criterion-Hulu marathon • #WatchlistScreenCaps round-ups begin: images from international classics, viral YouTube, Arthurian/Grail films, live-action shorts, documentaries, music videos, miniseries, Christmas media, and hundreds of cartoons • The Story of Film • Lost in the Movies' 5th anniversary • first interview with Kevin B. Lee (on my first video essay) • #iPodAlbumPlaylist & #JoelsReading List round-ups begin • 90 Years of Cinema: my "alternate Oscars"

Concluding #WatchlistScreenCaps/#iPodAlbumPlaylist/#JoelsReadingList • a few films from 2013/2014 • conversation with Tony Dayoub on Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me • David Lynch Month • media & early online commentary on Twin Peaks • resuming video essays • reviewing every Lynch film • first podcast appearances (Obnoxious & Anonymous) • Twin Peaks: The Missing PiecesTwin Peaks interviews: Brad Dukes, John Thorne, Martha Nochimson • my experimental short film • Journey Through Twin Peaks Parts 1 - 3 (the TV show) • "7 Facts About Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me"

Journey Through Twin Peaks Part 4 (Fire Walk With Me) • True Detective seasons 1 & 2 viewing diary • Twin Peaks interviews: Andy Burns, Andreas Halskov • David Lynch leaves & returns to Twin Peaks • 3-part interview with Kevin B. Lee on video essays • Fandor video essays begin (including Learning to Look and Welcome to Hill Valley) • Twin Peaks podcasts (Twin Peaks Unwrapped, Obnoxious & Anonymous) • Neon Genesis Evangelion series resumes & concludes (ep. 8 - 22) • The Favorites series resumes • YouTube video series: "The 3 1/2 Minute Review" - "Side by Side" - "Cinepoem" - "Montage" • ranking every Twin Peaks episode • The End of Evangelion week • Lynch/Rivette retrospective • The Prisoner viewing diary begins • returning to Star Wars

The Prisoner viewing diary concludes (including conversations) • the bulk & conclusion of The Favorites series • Fandor video essays continue (including The Passion of Anna K., The Colors of Daisies, and Meshes of Lynch) • teaser/intro for The Mirrors of Kane video series • Twin Peaks interviews: John Thorne, Scott Ryan • YouTube video series continue: "The 3 1/2 Minute Review" - "Side by Side" - "Cinepoem" - "Montage" • Twin Peaks podcasts including The Secret History (Obnoxious & Anonymous, Twin Peaks Unwrapped) plus podcasts on Evangelion & Star Wars • election/political commentary • Top of the Lake season 1 viewing diary

TWIN PEAKS Character Series (for the original cycle) • final Fandor video essay (on O.J.: Made in America) • Twin Peaks podcasts including The Return & The Final Dossier (Twin Peaks Unwrapped - "Lost in Twin Peaks", Obnoxious & Anonymous, Discourse Collective, The Lodgers, Twin Peaks Peeks, Beyond the Filter) • David Lynch films on podcasts (The Straight Story & Fire Walk With Me on Twin Peaks Unwrapped, Lost Highway on Fireside Friends) • Twin Peaks: The Return viewing diary • "5 Weeks of Fire Walk With Me" begins

Patreon podcast begins with Twin Peaks season 3 rewatch/"films in focus"/guest appearances (Max Clark, Andrew Cook, Em & Steve from No Ship Network) • The Kingdom viewing diary • first season viewing diaries: Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Veronica Mars, The X-Files, The WireStar Wars: The Clone Wars film/TV prologues • Celebrating Lost in the Movies' 10th anniversary • TWIN PEAKS First Time Viewer Companion • "5 Weeks of Fire Walk With Me" concludes with horror/art film/Lynch/original series/season 3 comparisons and Twin Peaks interview: Lindsay Hallam

Lost in Twin Peaks rewatch patron podcast begins • True Detective season 3 viewing diary • Twin Peaks Unwrapped film and episode rankings • "Twin Peaks Cinema" and "Twin Peaks Reflections" patron podcasts begin • summer of Veronica Mars viewing diary, seasons 2 - 4 • Martha Nochimson's Television Rewired interview • Mad Men seasons 2 - 3 viewing diary • "Unseen" series begins, popular films from 2015 - 18 • "Seven American Generations"

Mad Men season 3 viewing diary concludes • "Unseen" popular films series 2013 - 14 • Bernie 2020 campaign commentary on patron podcast • resuming and finishing "Montage", "Cinepoem", "3 1/2 Minute Review", and "Side by Side" video essay series (includes Wind in the Willows bonus and Return of the Secaucus Seven/Big Chill comparison) • resuming Journey Through Twin Peaks after 5 years: season 3, the "in-between" years, David Lynch's collaboration with Mary Sweeney, original series collaborators (plus patron/public "Twin Peaks Cinema" podcasts on Sweeney and episode directors) • Twin Peaks "killer's reveal" podcasts including Twin Peaks Unwrapped guest spot (plus another episode ranking) and continuing Lost in Twin Peaks and "Twin Peaks Reflections" for patrons • public podcast launches with Ethan Hawke series • Left of the Movies podcast on climactic class violence in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, The Irishman, Joker, and Parasite

patron podcast continues "Twin Peaks Cinema" & "Twin Peaks Reflections" (plus political reaction to 2020) • Mark Frost video concludes Journey Through Twin Peaks Part 5 • Mad Men seasons 4 - 7 viewing diary (plus full series podcast episode) • sprawling Blue Velvet & Eraserhead coverage on public & patron podcasts • Mirrors of Kane video for 80th anniversary • Olympic Series launches • Twin Peaks Unwrapped podcast final episode/film ranking & Ronnie Rocket bonus - plus first guests on my Twin Peaks Conversations podcast • other guests includes David Bushman, John Thorne & PeaksChatz hosts (plus my guest appearance on their podcast for "killer's reveal" episode) • Lost in Twin Peaks concludes for patrons & season 1 goes public • public Twin Peaks Cinema theme: "What's in a name?"

Twin Peaks Conversations podcast with guests Scott Ryan (cross-post), Mark Givens, Courtenay Stallings, Julie Grossman & Will Scheibel, Mya McBriar, Andreas Halskov, Cameron Cloutier, Counter Esperanto hosts, Lindsay Hallam, John Thorne, Creamed Corn and the Universe host, Vera Drew, Twin Peaks: Evangelion hosts • Mad Men viewing diary concludes with season 7 • public podcast seasons on directors & classic Hollywood • patron podcast concludes "Twin Peaks Cinema" & "Twin Peaks Reflections" • most of Olympic Series including conclusion • public Twin Peaks Cinema podcast themes: "Small town blues", "Traumatic transformations", "Ray's haunted fifties" & "Disordered stories" • "Unseen" popular film series 2010 - 12 • Lost in Twin Peaks podcast on Fire Walk With Me & most of season 3 goes public including Part 8 with Em & Steve of No Ship Network • podcast guest on Uncut Gems, Obnoxious & Anonymous, Windom's Cabin & Creamed Corn and the Universe for Sarah Palmer • patron podcast launches decade theme with 80s, 90s, 70s, 00s & 60s plus Halloween & Christmas specials • final Evangelion post

TWIN PEAKS Character Series begins anew with post-Return reboot after 6-year pause & runs through #31 (with previews on Patreon) • public Twin Peaks Cinema podcast concludes with themes "The Lynchverse" & "Long Road Home" • monthly Twin Peaks Conversations podcast concludes with guests John Bernardy, "Twin Peaks Grammer", Andrew Grevas, Ashley Brandt & Mat Olson, Scott Ryan • podcast guest on Artists Love Twin Peaks & Creamed Corn and the Universe • highlights for Lost in the Movies' 15th anniversary • public & patron coverage of "Barbenheimer" phenomenon launches patron-exclusive essays • public podcast concludes with Sight & Sound top first-time films season including guest Ashley Brandt for Jeanne Dielman • farewell to Netflix's DVD service • "Unseen" popular film series 2008 - 09 concludes public part • podcast with guest Sam Juliano • final public essay • 100th episode concludes patron podcast by featuring a dozen films in focus including bonus "Twin Peaks Cinema" after concluding decades theme with 00s, 60s, 50s, 10s & 20s (with archive on earlier eras) • Lost in Twin Peaks on season 3 finale

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