Lost in the Movies: November 2021

Mad Men - "In Care Of" (season 6, episode 13)

Welcome to my viewing diary for Mad Men. Every Monday I will review another episode of the series. I have never seen this series before so there will be NO spoilers. UPDATE: I now plan to continue this viewing diary through the series finale on the same schedule, continuing with the season seven premiere next Monday. Initialy I planned to wait until summer 2022 to resume.

Story (aired on June 23, 2013/written by Carly Wray and Matthew Weiner; directed by Matthew Weiner): "Going down?" the man from Dancer Fitzgerald asks, with just the faintest smirk. The answer is the same in most of the episode's storylines, but let's start with the good news. Roger's daughter disinvites him from Thanksgiving after he declines to further invest in her husband's enterprise ("What do I have to do to get on the list of girls you give money to?" she sneers). That itself isn't the good news, of course, but it does open the opportunity for Joan to provide a minor redemption. Roger's secretary Caroline nudges her in the right direction (she'd have him over to her house but "Ralph stopped drinking and you know Little Ralphie's spastic" she tells Joan by way of explanation). And so finally Mr. Sterling gets to brighten the Harris doorway, even if he has to share this space with Bob cheerfully carving the turkey. "What's he doing here?" he snipes, to which Joan responds, "I'm letting you back into Kevin's life. Not mine." But that's enough for now: Roger finally finds another door he's happy to open.

Bob being Bob, he's also intertwined with less happy - which isn't to say unhumorous - material. What is the status of Pete's plan to neutralize the Benson threat, handle his mother's demented romance, and lock himself down as Chevy's man at Sterling Cooper & Partners? "Not great, Bob!!!" Pete's victory parade into Detroit turns into a roundtrip route when Bob manipulates him into driving a stick shift backwards through the showroom. "I like a man with gasoline in his veins," one of the reps tells Pete, and that's that. Meanwhile Mrs. Campbell's whirlwind romance ends with a plunge off a cruise ship and Manolo on the lam in Central America; faced with the costs of a manhunt for their not-exactly-beloved parent's potential killer, Pete and Bud let it - and her - rest. And, somehow - I checked over the episode a second time and still couldn't figure out where it happened - Pete is headed for California. Sunkist wants a man on the spot and Pete, it seems, will be part of the team. (Or is he merely taking a temporary trip out west to help open the new outpost? It wasn't entirely clear to me.)

Who is going to lead that team? Right away, Don receives an unusual request from an atypically suited-up Stan who wants to "turn a desk into a business," comparing the West Coast to the advertising frontier. When Don says, "That's not how I see it," Stan pushes back: "That's not how you see me. But I'm going to change that." It's a good pitch, so good in fact that Don steals it for himself, much like Megan once took her friend's idea about asking Don for a spot in an SCDP commercial. He obviously needs a fresh start. Going on a bender after a particularly acerbic phone call with Sally, who's already been suspended from Miss Porter's for drinking, Don gets into a bar fight with a minister (spurring a flashback to Mack kicking a similar proselytizer out of the bordello, which we see in wide shot looming over its circa 1938 street corner). After waking up in the drunk tank, Don dumps all his liquor out in front of his wife and races through all the rationales for re-locating to Los Angeles: his career, her career, a change of scenery, finally hitting upon the most important: "We were happy there once. We could be happy again." Megan breaks into sobs and says yes, just as she did when he proposed.

Of course, a major wrinkle arises; how could it not? After Peggy shows off her figure for Ted before a big date with someone else, he materializes in front of her apartment door later that evening, just as Pete did so long ago. The two finally make love, and although Ted wants to spend the night - "No more sneaking around" - Peggy encourages him to go home and break it off with his wife more gradually. So Ted returns to Nan and immediately, predictably, loses his resolve. The next day he pleads with Don to send him to California so that he can save his family ("three thousand miles between me and her or my life is over"). Yet again, Don has to tell Ted he can't help him. Yet again, he has impeccable excuses. But this time something cracks. Don is excited to learn early on in "In Care Of" that Hershey is putting out feelers among the top thirty agencies, willing to advertise for the first time in its storied history. He delivers a flawless pitch, rhapsodizing about how his beloved father would take him to the corner store to buy a Hershey bar after he mowed the lawn, how the taste of chocolate merged with his dad ruffling his hair, how just the sight of the beautiful simple wrapper conveyed a feeling of love.

That last part, and only that last part, is true. That's no surprise; the surprise is in what Don does next. Before the meeting, a frustrated Ted told him to take a drink because you can't just quit cold turkey: "My dad was...well, never mind." Now, as the Hershey reps bask in the warm glow of Don's own fatherly tale, the storyteller glimpses his hand shaking beneath the table. That tremor might as well be an earthquake. And so begins his testimonial:
I was an orphan. I grew up in Pennsylvania in a whorehouse. I read about Milton Hershey and his school in Coronet magazine or some other crap the girls left by the toilet. And I read that some orphans had a different life there. I could picture it. I dreamt of it. Of being wanted. Because the woman who was forced to raise me would look at me every day like she hoped I would disappear. Closest I got to feeling wanted was from a girl who made me go through her john's pockets while they screwed. If I collected more than a dollar, she'd buy me a Hershey bar. And I would eat it alone in my room with great ceremony, feeling like a normal kid. It said "sweet" on the package. It was the only sweet thing in my life.
With that, Don detonates fifteen years of hard, desperate work to sell that dream to others while the lie gnawed away inside of him. Ted is going to California after all. Peggy is alone again. Megan is walking out the door, perhaps for good. And Don is, well, going down.

After a meeting that plays more like an execution than a consultation, the partners (save Ted) unanimously punish Don for his recent erratic behavior - the Hershey meeting most egregiously, although in retrospect his bizarre, unprofessional actions towards clients and colleagues have presented for a problem for a while. On the other hand, the firm only exists in the first place because of Don's ingenuity, both in its foundation and the recent merger, but no one - not even Roger - blinks when Bert tells Don that he's no longer welcome, at least for the next few months, and they won't even give him a return date. On the way out Don runs into Duck and Lou Avery (Allan Harvey), his replacement. For six seasons Don's silhouetted figure has fallen to the floor of Madison Avenue and now, symbolically at least, that descent begins even if it's an elevator rather than a window ledge which sends him plummeting.

But the episode doesn't end there, concluding instead with one of the most oddly hopeful final scenes Mad Men has offered since Don and Betty were tentatively reunited amidst the Cuban Missile Crisis resolution. After picking up his kids, Don makes a stop in a run-down New Jersey neighborhood. Standing in front of an initially unseen site, craning their necks, the children are told that this rundown Victorian, now surrounded by litter and brick blocks of public housing, is where their father grew up. As Judy Collins croons "Both Sides Now," father and daughter exchange a glance that comes the closest to what Don has been seeking all year, usually unwilling to give what he needed in order to get it: an understanding.

My Response:

Pausing Lost in Twin Peaks, catching up with Patreon & shifting my approach to upcoming projects

I usually wait until Fridays for status updates but this one was more pressing. On Saturday, I decided to take a break from the public Lost in Twin Peaks episode-by-episode podcast which has appeared every day since early October. I published this announcement instead of initiating the week of season one finale coverage as planned:

However, I also accidentally published the season one finale illustrated companion early Monday morning (before returning it to draft mode), further adding to the confusion and creating the need for a quick clarification. Here's where things stand:

1) Lost in Twin Peaks - From now on, I will not publish an episode or group of episodes until everything within that group is complete. In a few weeks, I'll share the season one finale. Then I will pause for at least several months, and work on Fire Walk With Me and season three episodes. If I complete them in time, I will share these over the summer of 2022, coinciding with the thirtieth anniversary of the film and the fifth anniversary of the season. The season two coverage will wait until after that later material for that reason (although if I get enough done ahead of time, maybe I will share the first nine episodes of season two in the late winter and spring before Fire Walk With Me - probably not feasible, however).

2) Patreon - With the public work on pause, I can now catch up with delayed rewards. The $1/month tier podcast hasn't gone up yet; it will probably be more minimal than usual when it does, with parts intended for it to be included within the next couple episodes. And November's Twin Peaks Conversations podcast (some of which will also be posted on YouTube) probably won't be ready by the end of the month, as I am just reaching out to potential guests now. My hope is to be all caught up by the end of December, maybe even with a big year-end podcast touching on other long-delayed topics as well, like listener feedback and podcast recommendations. However, I may shift gears to a simpler approach, with more patron input, in 2022. All this and more is discussed in an announcement I just recorded and published for patrons:

3) TWIN PEAKS Character Series - I'd hoped to start publishing this long-dormant project, initiated in 2017 but put on ice after season three and kept there ever since, over the entire course of 2022, three posts a week for the first six months and then once a week for the top thirty character entries. I'll still stick to that schedule but I'll wait until the first six months are completed before I post any of it, to ensure I have a sizable backlog. That means it will probably run from about mid-2022 to mid-2023 by the time it's ready. Hopefully Journey Through Twin Peaks will also be finished during the time this is running.

As for everything else, I am keeping my recent "Plan for Journey Through Twin Peaks & more" active though I substantially reworked it a few days ago. You can keep track of what's upcoming, what's been finished behind the scenes, and what I'm currently working on there.

Thanks for your patience as I navigate these multiple commitments. The next year and a half or so should be pretty busy and I hope you enjoy the results.

Mad Men - "The Quality of Mercy" (season 6, episode 12)

Welcome to my viewing diary for Mad Men. Every Monday I will review another episode of seasons four, five, and six. Both parts of season seven will be covered in the summer of 2022 (now updated to winter 2021-22). I have never seen this series before so there will be NO spoilers.

Story (aired on June 16, 2013/written by Andre and Maria Jacquemetton; directed by Phil Abraham): At first, I was quite certain I'd seen Ken's head get blown off by clients in Michigan, in the midst of a hunting excursion which all-too-logically culminates months of reckless abuse. I was wrong; he later shows up with a eyepatch and ragged scars across his cheek. But this shocking incident destabilizes the opening act, creating a mood of palpable anxiety reminiscent of...well, Rosemary's Baby, which "The Quality of Mercy" references both explicitly and implicitly. That tension is there as Don's drinking continues to spiral out of control, the worst it's been since mid-season four; as Pete and Duck scrape away at Bob's persona only to find a gaping, bottomless hole; and as Don continues to steamroll Ted's business interests despite the partner's generosity toward Mitchell in the previous episode (maybe this is, among other things, a subconscious rebuke for what happened as a result of that requested intervention). And the tension is also there in the other piece of audiovisual media referenced in this episode: a Nixon ad depicting the nation's ongoing traumas and promising a grim order to deal with them. The episode's one big success story, Pete's replacement of Ken on the Chevy account, is also tainted both by the threat of violence associated with those General Motors madmen and especially the even more unnerving, amorphous threat of Bob.

What Duck reveals after some digging is as unsettling for what it can't answer as for what it can. Bob hails from a hardscrabble West Virginian background; he worked as a manservant to a wealthy individual and basically faked his way into everything else. For starters, it doesn't appear he was ever actually hired at SCDP. He just showed up one day and acted like he had the job. Sound familiar? Pete certainly thinks so and, recalling how his run-in with Don turned out way back in 1960, he decides to declare a truce this time. "It terrifies me to think what damage you could do in a single day," he spits in Bob's face. So he'll keep his knowledge to himself as long as Bob keeps his distance. "I'm off limits," he declares, although he does have one request: get Manolo out of his mother's life. It's a tall order. Mrs. Campbell (or, now, Mrs. Colon?) even shows up at the office arm-in-arm with her supposed fiancé, ready to cruise off into the Caribbean sunset. On the other side of the generational spectrum, Sally retreats to the all-girl prep school Miss Porter's for an interview and trial run, as she continues to recoil from her father's world (she hasn't visited the city since discovering him in bed with Sylvia). And there she too finds trouble with the prodding of a couple would-be classmates Mandy and Millicent (Kathryn Newton and Sammi Hanratty). Inviting Glen and a pal from his own boarding school through the dormitory window, Sally avoids both pot and the pawing of Rolo (Liam Atkin). In the process, she impresses the other girls while activating Glen's protective instincts (since it's Mandy he makes out with, that brotherly affection is all she can hope for at the moment).

As important as the Bob discoveries may be, the episode's thematic core is Peggy's Rosemary's Baby-inspired commercial for St. Joseph Aspirin: a version of the final scene witnessed from the infant's point of view, into which the mother enters as a comforting presence. This concept is obviously evocative of Don's speed-fueled mother complexes in "The Crash" as well as the overhead shots of Don in a fetal position in the opening and closing scenes here (tellingly, Ted and Peggy put Don in the baby's place when they're practicing this pitch). However, there are practical as well as personal reasons for Don to subvert the whole enterprise, albeit practical reasons which have a personal character themselves. All season, Don has been disturbed by Ted's growing bond with Peggy and he's not the only one. Everyone in the office has noticed, with sighs and eyerolls following the blissful collaborators wherever they go (including to the movie theater where Don and Megan catch them watching the film for a second time). Ted, as Don puts it, isn't thinking with his head - but Don certainly is. His calculations include: encouraging Harry to pursue Sunkist after initially dissuading him (the encounter at the movie theater, in which he sniffs out Ted's vulnerable position, is the trigger here); phoning St. Joseph with the way over-budget proposal in the midst of a casting call; and finally, terrifying the boardroom during a meeting with St. Joseph rep Ray (Dan Warner) by turning to Ted and saying that there's a personal reason for his devotion to this expensive idea.

And then - surprise! - Don reveals his flourish. He credits the concept (which Ted assured Peggy would win her a Clio) to the recently deceased Frank, claiming that it was his very last idea. The St. Joseph rep melts (the ploy works) but Ted and Peggy are crushed. "You're a monster!" Peggy snarls, before leaving Don to curl up on his couch, ending the episode the way he began it.

My Response:

Vertigo as TWIN PEAKS CINEMA #7 (podcast)

Continuing the "What's in a name?" theme, Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo shares at least three names with Twin Peaks, two intentional, one possibly coincidental yet the most intriguing of all: Madeleine, Ferguson, and Judy. However, names are the least of the connections here - Vertigo's links to the original series, Fire Walk With Me, and especially season three are so rich, deep, and compelling that this is probably the longest Twin Peaks Cinema episode I'll ever release (at least outside of comparisons to David Lynch's own films). In fact Vertigo resembles a prism that you can hold up to Twin Peaks - and vice versa - at different angles to produce different results. The dogged, obsessive detective attempting to dominate a young woman; the haunting presence of a beautiful, mistreated beauty whose influence extends beyond the grave; the loyal, neglected ally whose admiration eventually shades into exasperation; the hallucinatory spirals; the looming trees; the enigmatic portrait; the long drives into the night...even as I write out these motifs out I'm realizing there are others I may have missed in an episode two or three times longer than usual. I'm particularly struck by how enmeshed this film already seemed to be with Twin Peaks prior to 2017...and yet the new season goes so much further with these allusions that at times - particularly in the final episode - it seems almost like an abstracted remake.

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(and most places podcasts are found)

Mad Men - "Favors" (season 6, episode 11)

Welcome to my viewing diary for Mad Men. Every Monday I will review another episode of seasons four, five, and six. Both parts of season seven will be covered in the summer of 2022 (now updated to winter 2021-22). I have never seen this series before so there will be NO spoilers.

Story (aired on June 9, 2013/written by Semi Chellas and Matthew Weiner; directed by Jennifer Getzinger): The arc of this episode finds Don saving a friend's son and losing a daughter's love. The Mitchell Rosen crisis drives most of the narrative action; after spending the spring in the streets of Paris, the shaggy-haired child of Arnold and Sylvia has decided to prove his radical mettle by sending back his draft card. Now he's classified as 1-A, heading off to the Vietnam War unless the panicked parents can figure out a solution. Initially Megan is the one trying to intervene, talking about Canadian relatives who could take him in if he fled the country, while Don warns her not to get involved. Of course, he can't take his own advice and soon he's poking around at work: Pete's Pentagon pal will be no help and the defense-wed GM reps are simply angered by talk of draft resistance. Then Ted, in exchange for Don's promise to drop Sunkist so it doesn't conflict with his own client Ocean Spray, comes through with a fix: a friend in the Air National Guard can get Mitchell a spot in the sky. Meanwhile, Sally's friend Julie (Cameron Protzman) has more earthly concerns about Mitchell. She and Sally giggle through a sleepover, making a list of all the reasons they have a crush on the young man, and then Julie has the bright idea to sign Sally's name, seal the list in an envelope, and place it in the Rosen apartment when she's supposedly taking the trash out. Sally is, of course, appalled by this gesture and races back from the Model UN event they are heading to. At this point a number of threads coalesce into a perfect disaster.

Others have their own issues at the office. Ted is falling harder and harder for Peggy after a trip to a a cranberry juicery in Cape Cod. His wife Nan (Timi Prulhiere) isn't quite onto him, but she is concerned that he's spending too much time at work and may be growing bored at home. Bob's fix for Pete's maternal issue, a gentlemanly nurse named Manolo (Andres Faucher) backfires when Mrs. Campbell decides she and Manolo are in love (while also informing Pete that he was always an unlovable child). At first Pete chuckles, then he grimaces, and finally he's infuriated. Bob defends himself and Manolo by digging his own hole deeper, telling Pete that it's not unreasonable for someone's admiration and affection to coalesce into love...as he himself edges his knee into Pete's and stares into his increasingly uncomfortable eyes. In an episode full of such discomfiting discoveries and suspicions, however, none open up more fissures than what Sally witnesses. Borrowing the doorman's keys to sneak into the Rosens' kitchen and retrieve her envelope before any damage is done, Sally hears a noise and turns toward the bedroom. There, a grateful Sylvia is rewarding Don's generosity with one last tryst - until they see (and hear) Sally's reaction. It's hard to say who is more horrified in the subsequent emotional explosion, as Sally flees into the hallway, the elevator, and the city outside. She keeps her mouth shut until dinner, when Arnold and Mitchell show up to thank Don profusely and Sally storms from the table screaming, "You make me sick!" Perhaps not as sick as he makes himself.

My Response:

LOST IN TWIN PEAKS #7: S1E7 (Realization Time/"Episode 6") podcasts & illustrated companion

All episodes & show notes for my podcast coverage of Twin Peaks season 1 episode 7
November 13 - 19, 2021
(illustrations for storylines, character rankings, locations, TIME cover & all categories)

Plan for Journey Through Twin Peaks & more (keeping track)

A list of ongoing work for 2021 - 23
updated daily with the latest progress


Last update: as of October 31, 2023

(focusing on nothing anymore)

No longer tracking earliest incomplete step

(All non-Twin Peaks projects scheduled to end by late October 2023 w/ Lost in Twin Peaks, the TWIN PEAKS Character Series, Journey Through Twin Peaks continuing after that and getting tracked on a new page)

I have completed 18 upcoming entries across all projects (including all reviews or major pieces previewed on Patreon)
Lost in Twin Peaks podcasts & companions / 0 bonus Twin Peaks Conversations podcasts / Lost in the Movies podcasts / Twin Peaks Cinema podcasts / 12 films in focus + feedback for final $1/month tier podcasts / 6 Twin Peaks Character Series written entries (+ no more already public from 2017) / 0 Unseen / other / Journey Through Twin Peaks video chapters

INTRO (from 2021)
After multiple attempts to create intricate "path to Journey Through Twin Peaks" and then stumbling over and over again because I took on too much, I'm keeping it simple. I have two big Twin Peaks projects - the Lost in Twin Peaks public podcast and my rebooted "TWIN PEAKS Character Series" writing - to finish before returning to my Journey videos. I also want to keep my Lost in the Movies and Twin Peaks Cinema public podcast feeds at least minimally active (once a month for each, re-presenting old patron recordings) as well as maintaining my monthly patron rewards including the new Twin Peaks Conversations series, half on YouTube, half for my $5/month tier (although the the $1/month tier podcast probably needs to be simplified and changed up in other ways). And since I began the Olympic film capsule series in August after the summer games, I'd like to conclude it before the Winter Olympics in February. Beyond that, it would be nice to resume my "Unseen" essay series and some other projects, but I suspect that will end up having to be postponed - as have all the other projects I'd been planning for the coming year. It's time to head into the home stretch on my Twin Peaks work and let almost everything else fall by the wayside. (You can also learn about my publication schedule in this video or follow my progress on these steps in this Twitter thread.)

Here are the projects in order of priority, with further details and the most up-to-date information on each...

Mad Men - "A Tale of Two Cities" (season 6, episode 10)

Welcome to my viewing diary for Mad Men. Every Monday I will review another episode of seasons four, five, and six. Both parts of season seven will be covered in the summer of 2022 (now updated to winter 2021-22). I have never seen this series before so there will be NO spoilers.

Story (aired on June 2, 2013/written by Janet Leahy and Matthew Weiner; directed by John Slattery): Don and Roger fly west to pay homage to Sunkist's oranges and Carnation's instant breakfast; in return they receive an earful of Dutch Reagan worship and (in Don's case) lungs full of pool water after he smokes too much hashish from a Hollywood hookah. The sixties is in full swing, but which sixties? It's a year past Haight Ashbury's peak hippie season but at that party in the Hills, where Don's hallucinations include a groovy, pregnant Megan doppelganger and the now armless (and deceased) soldier he met in Hawaii, the world is still in full Summer of Love mode. (Elsewhere at the gathering, Roger mocks little Danny Siegel - remember him? - until the now long-haired, mustachioed, poncho-wearing peacenik breaks his personal code to punch Roger in the balls.) On the other hand, the sixties caught on videotape replay during the nightly news ("The whole world is watching!") appears far more militant and unsettling, a bitter battle between the blue-jerseyed, white-helmeted forces of Straight America and the alienated youths protesting the Democratic Party machine and the war effort it's protecting. Back in New York, a similar battle line is drawn in more farcical fashion between Jim and Michael, with Bob trying to smooth things over; in the midst of all this personal drama, they lose Manischewitz. Joan's ostensible dinner date turn into an initial client meeting with Avon and, sensing an opportunity to finally carve out her own space in the office, she tries to land the account herself. This gets her in hot water with Pete and Ted for bypassing the proper accounts bureaucracy (until Peggy intervenes with a clever ploy). As for the overcrowded agency letterhead, the name is finally pared down: Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Cutler Gleason Chaough becomes simply Sterling Cooper & Partners. Without even lifting a finger themselves to make it happen, only the elders are left standing.

My Response:

LOST IN TWIN PEAKS #6: S1E6 (Cooper's Dreams/"Episode 5") podcasts & illustrated companion

All episodes & show notes for my podcast coverage of Twin Peaks season 1 episode 6
November 6 - 12, 2021
(illustrations for storylines, character rankings, locations, TIME cover & all categories)

Alan Clarke's Elephant (LOST IN THE MOVIES podcast #34)

When I looked through my archive for something to share this month, I was struck by my episode on Elephant recorded for patrons in early 2018, coincidentally around the time of the Parkland massacre. Since I may be covering Gus Van Sant's work on my Patreon this month, I was struck that Alan Clarke's British TV film is, like Van Sant's Drugstore Cowboy, a moody, lo-fi, offbeat urban portrait from 1989 - and most notably, of course, it shares a title, aesthetic, and undoubted influential lineage with Van Sant's 2003 school shooting film which also uses long behind-the-character tracking/handheld shots of people walking (which I compare to a video game perspective in my discussion). There are notable differences between those two Elephants, however, which I dig into. While both take inspiration from violent current events (Columbine vs. the Troubles in Northern Ireland), Clarke's film is grounded in a more inherently political context which he defiantly refuses to engage with. Is that lack of engagement subversive, simplifying, or - as one of my listeners argues in a compelling piece of feedback which I share at the end of the podcast - just the recognition of redundancy? After all, Irish and British TV audiences of the late eighties were already bombarded with the details of sectarian conflict, and this presented them with an opportunity to engage on another level. In addition to that feedback, the coda to this podcast includes excerpts from a fascinating back-and-forth involving the critic Ignatiy Vishnevetsky and a commentator regarding Elephant as television vs. cinema (and the nature of audience engagement with both forms of media).

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"The other Elephant and the art of context-free TV violence" by Ignatiy Vishnevetsky (A.V. Club) - I can't link directly to a comment but look for the one by "The Angry Internet" about halfway through the replies

Mad Men - "The Better Half" (season 6, episode 9)

Welcome to my viewing diary for Mad Men. Every Monday I will review another episode of seasons four, five, and six. Both parts of season seven will be covered in the summer of 2022 (now updated to winter 2021-22). I have never seen this series before so there will be NO spoilers.

Story (aired on May 26, 2013/written by Erin Levy and Matthew Weiner; directed by Phil Abraham): The grass is always greener on the other side, and switching back and forth doesn't help at all. Bored with Megan and spurned by Sylvia, Don finds himself beguiled by his own ex-wife once again. Reunited at a summer camp for Bobby, Don and Betty get to chatting outside their cabins and end up back in bed. The next morning, of course, Henry has joined them and Don is forced to eat breakfast alone across the dining room while the Francis couple enjoy their meal together. Don is lovelorn, wondering why sex has to be so central to the experience of attraction - for this tough guy and notorious womanizer, it's actually feeling desired and accepted that is more fulfilling. Betty, for her part, somewhat contradictorily expresses sympathy with Megan: "That poor girl," she sighs. "She doesn't know that loving you is the worst way to get to you." It's as good a diagnosis of Don's toxic neediness/alienation cycle as any, and reflective of some overall trends in the episode. Relations are further strained, in some cases broken, between Peggy and Abe (after she accidentally stabs him with a makeshift bayonet), Peggy and Ted, Pete and his mother, Roger and his daughter, and Pete and the rest of SCDP (with the help of Duck, now a headhunter operating with renewed confidence). Even Megan's soap persona is splitting as she takes on a second character - the chic blonde sister of her brunette maid. Just as Don turns to Betty for a combination of renewed excitement and familiar comfort, Roger shows up at Joan's apartment (and discovers Bob, currently ingratiating himself to both her and Pete). Really, he's there more for secret son Kevin than former lover Joan; Margaret has restricted Roger's visits with his grandson after a traumatizing trip to Planet of the Apes so he's seeking a new outlet for his paternal instincts (however misguided). But Joan is not so keen on her son playing the same compensatory surrogate role that she herself once did. Like Joan (and, eventually, Betty), Ted is also inclined to throw cold water on someone else's neediness; poor Peggy ends up the least satiated character of all in the final shot.

My Response:

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