In the heart of the 2014 "McConnaissance" - following the intense critical buzz of the iconic True Detective, the Oscar-winning prestige of Dallas Buyers Club, and of course those ubiquitous Lincoln commercials - Matthew McConaughey appeared in his biggest hit of all, the cerebral sci-fi blockbuster Interstellar. Popping up in the middle of a high-concept space travel bubble (Gravity premiered the year before, The Martian the year after), Interstellar was Nolan's first post-Batman project and his most direct attempt to marry a humanist sensibility to his fondness for more left-brained puzzle filmmaking. My podcast discusses the successes and shortcomings of this attempt as well as the peculiar mix of Nolan's vivid textures and not-particularly-striking compositions in what is one of his most gorgeous films. I've also included some feedback alongside a further response and, knowing how popular Nolan is, I would definitely be curious to hear where listeners place this in his filmography (both in terms of personal preference and Interstellar's relationship to his other works). This entry wraps up my fourth season of the Lost in the Movies public podcast, an anthology of directorial pairs (and one trio) by Jane Campion, Darren Aronofsky, and now Nolan. The next six months will also follow a theme, in this case classic Hollywood. Several full reviews and a couple capsule collections will draw on titles from the Golden Age, which I've mostly overlooked on the main public feed thus far.
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by Allan Fish
(read the whole discussion, which is really good - it includes a comment by Stephen who, by coincidence, originally recommended the film when this podcast was recorded for patrons)
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