Lost in the Movies

My work on TWIN PEAKS

Follow the progress of my various projects as I get closer to Journey Through Twin Peaks Part 6
(all chapters of Part 5 now cross-posted here)

What's new?

Twin Peaks Conversations podcast
most recent on YouTube & PATREON:

Lost in Twin Peaks podcast
most recent for PUBLIC:
(also already public: #1 - 8 Season 1, #31 Fire Walk With Me & #32 - 45 Season 3 Parts 1 - 16)

+ available on PATREON:
(also not yet public: #9 - 29 Season 2)

TWIN PEAKS Character Series
most recent for PUBLIC:

+ at least a month ahead on PATREON - most recent is #16 on July 6
(exclusive advance - become a patron to discover who they are & read full entries)

Twin Peaks Cinema podcast
most recent for PUBLIC:

+ most recent on PATREON:
+ listen to public clips of all patron episodes here

(many Patreon episodes appear alongside Twin Peaks Reflections topics)

Other Twin Peaks posts...
guest on Creamed Corn and the Universe to discuss Robert Jacoby

+ The Previous Five


This video, a chapter from my Journey Through Twin Peaks series, is my most popular work...

For a commemorative podcast on the tenth anniversary of my site (and my coverage of Twin Peaks), I created a guide list for my work

Click on a picture to visit the entry or entries in question...

(These works focus on David Lynch more generally)

After the list was published, I came back to highlight a few new pieces:

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